Podcast - This Is Only a Test
Episode 196 – CES 2014 – 1/9/2014
On the first podcast of 2014, Will and Norm are joined by Nathan Edwards (of the Wirecutter and Tested’s PC building column) to talk about the stuff they saw at CES. Topics include the latest Oculus prototype, the problem with curved TVs, and the real reasons you might want to equip a 3D printer with cocoa butter. Enjoy!
there already is a wirecutter for PC cases and other components – http://logicalincrements.com
I asked Will about this on Twitter, and his reply was, “It wouldn’t be up until tomorrow if I had to wrangle video.”
Finally the podcast!!!
“This Is Only A Test” is not “This Is Only A Test” without the video. The expressions on Norm’s face are priceless! We need video!
On custom SteamBoxes. You mention you have to have UEFI to install SteamOS but that is only on the official Valve page. You can easily modify the installer and get it to work on a legacy machine. I followed the instructions over on a SteamOS subreddit and was successful in making it run on one of my old machines.
Link to instructions:
This episode was a straight up Max PC podcast nostalgia ride. Get Nathan on the show ALL the time.
No video yet?
So i guess there won’t be a video then?
Anyone from the staff reading this? Still no video.
OK must have missed that part. Either way, good work guys, keep up the awesome content!