Inside Adam Savage’s Cave: Prop Shop Kylo Ren Helmet

Adam adds a new prop replica to his collection: Kylo Ren’s helmet from Star Wars: The Force Awakens! This is actually Adam’s second Kylo Ren helmet–he has a modified Black Series Voice Changer helmet and now this high-end model by Prop Shop. We examine the prop to admire its fabrication and detail.

Comments (27)

27 thoughts on “Inside Adam Savage’s Cave: Prop Shop Kylo Ren Helmet

  1. and people were questioning me when i said “adam will love this” on the gizmodo article on these new props

  2. I like the melted Darth Vader Helmet. Won’t ever be able to buy it, but it is awesome that they were able to recreate it.

  3. Adam, Norm, any chance we can get a whole bunch of hi-res reference photo’s of the helmet?

    That would be amazing for all of us mere mortals who can’t afford these limited edition items, but want to build our own 🙂

  4. You used the word “modulate” again — cool. I always want you to say “attenuate” though because I think it is a better fit for what you are trying to convey. 🙂

  5. Adam, Norm, any chance we can get a whole bunch of hi-res reference photo’s of the helmet?

    That would be amazing for all of us mere mortals who can’t afford these limited edition items, but want to build our own 🙂


  6. They responded on twitter with this:

    Adam did a one-day build yesterday. We’ll do a gallery to go along with that. Stay tuned.

    I hope we get a whole bunch of decent shots we can use to make our own helmets 🙂

  7. about the lens mod:
    I wonder if the bit of bent brass (and what appears to be velcro?) solution could be made to be more universal?
    What if the lens mod strapped to your head first, and then you put the helmet on second? This would allow the same lens mod to be useful for lots of different helmets, even those without tops or backs. And still removes the interference of the regular frames.

  8. The helmet was gorgeous. If you looked really close at the right angle you can make out some faint 3D printing lines on some parts.

  9. That lense mod is amazing! I am extremely new to cosplay so I hadnt thought of that, but I definitely will have to do something like that. I hate contact lenses.

    Awesome helmet. Just another thing to save up for XD

  10. For anyone who is interested in buying this, the information given is misleading.
    Propshop, although making most of the props on TFA, had nothing to do with the design, construction and finish of the screen used Kylo Ren
    The actual mask was made by Pierre Bohanna and the costume/costume fx department.
    The only involvement Propshop had was to scan the item for archive.
    The screen used helmet was grown by another company then moulded and cast in a durable polyurethane resin by the costume fx dept.
    Interestingly if you are looking to save money wait for the Avonos version as they probably used the same scanned file and would be just as accurate at a fraction of the price.
    Sorry for the long rant but if going to spend this kind of money, thinking your getting a prop made by the actual ‘makers’, then you need to know the facts.
    Keep up the good work Adam.

  11. Love the lens mod. I’ve been wearing contacts for years, but when I first started entering costume contests I wore regular glasses (which couldn’t be worn with costume) — I never walked off the edge of the stage, but I can’t count the number of times I needed a stagehand to help me with entrances and exits.

  12. Pretty bloody irritating that a UK based firm wont sell their merchandise to UK buyers such as myself

  13. Been VERY disappointed with ANOVOS. My husband purchased, paid for in full up front, a TIE Pilot ensemble going on almost 2 years ago now… and they keep delaying it, and on top of delaying they keep removing features! Originally it was listed to have lined armor and an environmental system and several other special features to make it ‘premium’ and since then they just decided not to do any of that… so totally not getting what we paid for. Their customer service and response times have also been incredibly unacceptable… I would NOT recommend pre-ordering ANYTHING from ANOVOS you are basically giving them a free loan and they seem to not feel any obligation to get you your items. I’ve suggested my husband ask for a refund but he still really wants the costume : maybe SOMEDAY we’ll get it.

    Also they like to ignore or delete any comments or request for help from their Facebook page about how awful they are being with communications and shipping times which I think is 1000% rude to your customers.

    … anyways… had to throw that out there as a warning to anyone thinking of purchasing from them since I know we are not the only people experiencing trouble with me.

    Adam’s helmet on the other hand is flipping amazing.

  14. Just a quick heads-up here, but the Correction link in the video annotation and video description, points to this video (rCaNa2L-heE), not the actual correction video (is4Ym5m31r8) 🙂

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