One Day Builds
Adam embarks on one of his most ambitious builds yet: fulfil…
Show And Tell
Adam recently completed a build of the royal St. Edwards cro…
Viewers often ask to see Adam working in real-time, so this …
One Day Builds
Adam and Norm assemble a beautifully machined replica prop k…
One Day Builds
One of the ways Adam has been getting through lockdown has b…
Adam unboxes and performs a quick test of this novel new hel…
When Adam visited Weta Workshop early last year, he stopped …
One Day Builds
Adam tackles a shop shelf build that he's been putting off f…
Show And Tell
Time for a model kit build! This steampunk-inspired mechanic…
One Day Builds
Adam reveals his surprise Christmas present for his wife--a …
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Only really like a couple of hours, I’ll probably most always be near a power source to plug it in.
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Woop Woop, new podcast! Supertasters only I hope? Don’t want to let the riff raff in….
Edit: This podcast is exceptionally hilarious and Will is right, pancakes win. Forever…
Here is a direct link for you lovely people:
a tested podcast was the only thing missing from this day.
Tip for the feeder: birds have no receptors for Capsaicin, that is the spicy chemical for chilli. However, squirrels do! Mix in some cayenne pepper with your bird seed and you’ll see the squirrel come one last time.
Thanks for linking!
Wow, does that really work?
Next up on Tested, Will buys a gun and shows you how to kill squirrels. 🙁
Best podcast in a long time! Also, pancakes over waffles any day of the week.
It’s weird with how whiny Will is about so many things that all the plot holes in the ME3 ending didn’t bother him.
Admittedly, the squirrel bit made me wish I was watching the video version so I could see Will run off camera to chase down the squirrel.
I was walking in the woods when i was listening to this today, and actually saw a squirrel. Weird.
Yes + Yes
but does it make their poop burn? Because that’s not fun 😉
Relevant to the discussion of Nathan Myhrvold, the episode of This American Life about patents makes a strong case that Myhrvold and his venture capital firm are patent trolls, doing bad things in the world of science, tech and innovation. Regardless of where you come down on the rationality of patents and other forms of intellectual property rights, the episode is worth listening to –
YAY! The chaptering is gone! Woohoo!
I think the default user avatars on Tested should all be squirrels now.
Will needs a pellet rifle… this would also make for an interesting mailbag. What could go wrong?
Would love to hear if it works. Since there are some squirrels around my place I can’t get rid of.
Question do they jump on the feeder or climb up it? I’ve heard of people greasing the stand to keep squirrels from climbing them.
My god. Norm and Gary’s description of that Star Trek ride was incredibly riveting. I was this close to jumping on a plane and going to Vegas and I was crushed when they said it was shut down. They need to bring that back. It sounds amazing.
For that dude with the Lumia 800 asking about apps, check out these two articles.
I guess you could say that the “Aquatic Dinosaur Theory”…. doesn’t hold water…
*Puts sunglasses on*
Yeah… I know what you mean. I in fact have TWO Pandora apps on my phone. Go figure! But I’ve (mostly) given up bitching about it.
Yup, I’m more than happy with the apps we have, but it’s annoying when they are turning off people to the platform because they aren’t doing enough research. Like for instance yes there is a Yelp! app Norman.
Also, if this was the first, or second, or third time they just blatantly lied about something (not because they are being malicious, but because they are being ignorant), I wouldn’t say anything. But this is a tech site, it really is no excuse not to do your homework before you talk about something as big as a phone platform.
I found it funny/surprising that they didn’t have very many apps installed on the phone in the quick look. (With all of the core apps already on there, plus the new Nokia ones, it’s not hard to hit the number needed to activate the letters that allow you to jump around on the app list.) One would think that it makes sense… no, is necessary to download loads of apps for a platform neither have seriously used in a long time. Sure, Will had the Lumia 800 before, but they had no intentions reviewing it going in, and they didn’t have it for very long. I assume they now have a 900 to keep since it was on the table during this podcast.
At this point I’m just disappointed. I try not to care anymore. I’m here for “the lulz” and the community.
There are specific things required to make a burger e.g. a Bun. Mustard, Tomato Sauce or Relish and a meat patty which you need to cook separately. A sandwich is sliced bread from a loaf which usually has fresh ingredients and/or cold cuts of meat which is prepared without the need to cook. If you cook the meat and use say sliced bread, then it’s a sandwich named after the main attraction e.g. roast beef sandwich.
Man, someone needs to bring back that Star Trek Experience thing. It sounded awesome.
Agreed on both fronts. The notary + glory hole bit had me literally laughing out loud at work on Friday. Good stuff, guys!
Norm, Norm, Norm…
Orange is not a British noble house, and you confused archaeology with paleontology.
Let the facts free!
You getting pissed off about the lack of WP7 knowledge really makes this feel like old times! 😀
Ugh, hate the intro track. It’s way too long. Although I hate most music clips on podcasts in general. I think I’d be deaf if not for the wonders of Volume Equalization.
I know, right! The more that things change, the more they stay the same.
Excellent podcast, guys! I live in Belgian so I gotta go with belgian waffles over pancakes. Wow cayenne.
Just use pepperspray.
The thing that norm talks about in fake outtakes is probably the Bouba/kiki effect (
Vilayanur Ramachandran talks about it in the final moments of this ted talk (around 21:20) ( That’s there I first heard about it.
This is nit-picky, but most cheese producers use vegetarian rennet now. Created from plants and misc. bacterias. It is rare (in the United States) for a cheese manufacturer to use animal rennet now-a-days.
The more you know!
I’m positive that is what Norm was thinking of. Ramachandran talks about it in at least 2 of his books. The most in depth is probably his latest The Tell-Tale Brain (note that all his books have large overlap). But if you just want a taste of his work, his Reith Lectures in 2003 are a good start.
This is definitely one of the best episodes I have ever listened to. Will has beef with a squirrel, dinosaurs, and Norm’s Star Trek experience is incredibly captivating.
Also, TIL someone in Norm’s family is the ancestor to Picard.
Will why don’t you test various squirrel deterrent methods?
You can try the simple ones like cayenne pepper as suggested, put a slinky
around the pole so the squirrel can’t climb up it, try to make the hole to the
bird house squirrel proof with things like Plexiglass in front, but an opening
above the Plexiglas that a small bird can get through above, and I’m sure you
can think of many other ways.
Then you can set up motion detectors and camera’s around your bird feeder
to record events and see which ones work best. And report back to us on the methods, how you tested it, and the overall effectiveness.