Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 309 – Tick Tock Toe – 7/16/2015

This week, Will, Norm, Jeremy, and Patrick Norton debrief on Comic-Con, discuss the unlocking of Pluto’s secrets, the end of Moore’s Law, Flash zero-day exploits, and more. Enjoy!

Comments (27)

27 thoughts on “Episode 309 – Tick Tock Toe – 7/16/2015

  1. How bout a link? 1:15 in and get told to do a survey. Normally I don’t do them but I will this one..but u didn’t tell me where to take said survey. No links in the description either?

  2. *copied from my YT comment* New Horizons wont pass the Voyagers because it’s slower right now. The Voyagers got 3 and 4 gravity assists to gain more velocity, while New Horizons only got 1. It is correct that it was the fasted spacecraft to leave the Earths sphere of influence(because they strapped a 400kg probe on a huge ass rocket), passing the moon in 9 hours, while Apollo took 3 days to get there. end science-y nerd rant – Jeron

  3. Survey says…Completed!

    BTW, your mic levels are a tad hot. So when anyone raises their voice, it starts to distort.

  4. On the topic of indestructible letterboxes, Dad got sick of replacing the post for the letterbox every few weeks, we lived on the outside of a corner on a hill so we often had cars bumping into it. He had an old crane hook in the shed so he bolted and welded a large, heavy steel pipe onto the bottom of it and a heavy plate on top. We then planted the pipe quite deep and poured a lot of concrete around it. We also built a solid wooden letterbox from 1 1/2 inch macrocarpa timber and bolted it to the plate. We put that in in ’94 or ’95 The hook is still there, but the letterbox has been replaced in the last few years

  5. My roommate had an Amiga 500, which he bequeathed to me. So ahead of its time. RIP Commodore Amiga.

  6. It’s OK Will, I assumed New Horizons had an ion drive, too, because everything does these days. But this week I’ve been watching ‘Pluto in a minute’ and now I know better. For example, New Horizons got a gravity assist from Pluto… that’s pretty cool.

    The Voyagers are travelling in different directions and they aren’t in the plane of the solar system, so they missed the Kuiper belt completely.

  7. As to passive VR experiences, I agree with John Carmack that they will be huge. Imagine virtually visiting ancient Rome and being able to walk around, visit other planets, go through a walk of the shire, or just a primevil forrest or beautiful tropical island. Even just as mundane things as virtual tourism or cities and locations will be a massive app for VR.

  8. Not sure what you guys did different but your mic volumes were too high. At least when you guys had your mouth right up to the mic.

  9. Norm, I was not a big fan of Ready Player One either. It’s worth finishing, but there were many times when I nearly gave up on it altogether.

  10. Survey’d! Also, as many have pointed out – the audio is way too hot in the video. Hard to listen to sometimes.

    Hey – thanks for looking at the HTML5 video thing on Premium, too. That was nice to hear mentioned. Here’s hoping testing goes smoothly.

  11. What I’ve learned from emergency medicine and medical training in general, is that you can get hypothermia really easily,and it’s hard to tell you are experiencing it. Even in pretty temperate whether. Especially if alcohol is involved.

    Terminally you even enter a state of confusion that makes you want to take your clothes off because you feel too warm. They showed some examples in our post mortem pathology courses. Scary stuff.

  12. Can we get an RSS feed for premium videos? Then one could drop the videos into a Plex directory and enjoy however.

  13. New Horizons shows why science is so incredible. A small space probe at 30 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun sending a weak signal that is received here on Earth and turned into pictures. And it arrived at Pluto 72 seconds within the calculated arrival time. Mind blowing.

    By the way, the reason that they can’t send data to Earth and take pictures of Pluto at the same time is that they have to turn the dish to face Earth when sending data.

  14. You guys didn’t talk about Xbox Music being renamed to Groove. Why am I not surprised? But not even to make fun of the name, I mean really?

    Pixels looks awesome and you need to take your kids to see it. If you don’t like Adam Sandler you need to re-evaluate your life.

  15. I cannot live without media center. been using it since xp and I pretty much use it every day to watch recorded or downloaded tv shows on my big tv via hdmi cable from graphics card to receiver. even found a way to decode 5.1 surround for movies and tv shows. I use the remote too. I refuse to give it up.

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