Podcast - This Is Only a Test
Episode 99 – Kodachrome – 01/05/2012
On this week’s episode, Norm is ready for CES, Will is waiting for Ivy Bridge, and Gary has a surprise on the way. All that, plus Matt and Wes stop by to talk Consumer Electronics Show, the latest on the new Roku stick, next-generation Wi-Fi, even more AppleTV rumors, and even more fake outtakes. Enjoy!
lane just commented on your Blog: “The iPad… It’s been jailbroken”.
A client or a server? There’s plenty of RDP and VNC clients in the App Store.”
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The iPad… It’s been jailbroken
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Tested yeah! Congrats Gary!
While it’s not a large chain comparatively, I would argue that Micro Center is far better than Fry’s for “people like us” and really everyone.
The people at my local Micro Center didn’t try to upsell me a higher end laptop than I wanted or a $400 extended warranty on it, the dude at Fry’s did. I almost walked out of Fry’s when that happened.
Instead I just told the saIes guy knew he was full of shit about practically nothing being covered by the manufacturer warranty and that if I needed to replace a hard drive or RAM, I am perfectly capable of doing that myself.
Every time I’ve been to my local Micro Center, the guys there were really helpful and didn’t try to bullshit me about anything. I wish they were a bigger chain for the sake of people who want decent service. Also, they have some great CPU deals. 2500K/2600K for ~$40 below retail, yes please.
I am hyped for CES next week! Too bad I’m probably going to have to miss all the late night live streams because of school.
Oh man, desktop talk. Will, it sounds like you need to clean your desktop like you do your desk! I can’t stand having all of those shortcuts on my PC. I’ve become really accustomed to using Object Dock and using the search in the start menu to run programs.
I’m definitely at an extremity here, but for me, cleaner is better with my desktop.
Gary > Sliced Bread
and also,
Best Buy sucks. I haven’t stepped foot in that place in over 5 years. I switched to using Amazon in 2007 and I’ve never been happier. And I’m with Will on the receipt checking thing. It always made me feel uncomfortable.
Cheers Gary!
Will’s idea of getting a proper desktop and then a cheap netbook to take to class was perfectly reasonable, and probably the best way to go for a college kid who only has $1,000 to spend and wants to play serious games in their dorm room and take notes in class. You can find this 11.6 inch Acer Netbook with 4 GB of Ram and Windows 7 Home Premium for closer to $300 in the warehouse club stores. Not every Notebook has a tiny screen, 1GB of RAM and a crappy Atom processor.
Lost it at Norm’s “looking for teh sex”, WTF.
Just wanna say again that every time i see your single-letter username, i feel inadequate, but i also want to salute you.
Will Will screw up the dateline? Let’s find out!
I’ve always found this ‘no icons on the desktop’ idea kinda strange. It’s a tool and serve a purpose, why refuse to use it? Sometimes I don’t remember the name of the program I want etc. I use Fences and have organized groups of programs for different tasks. Often I find Win+D and double click is faster than type and search. More importantly; what do you gain by not having any icons on your desktop?
Also; half the guys on the show are older than me, but what the fuck is “Power”?? Don’t make me google it..
“Power” is a song by Kanye West.
As for the icons, I just don’t see it as an efficient way to get to the programs I want. If there were a few icons on the desktop for just my absolute, most-used programs, then that I can live with. As I said though, I’d rater just search for the program and pull it up in a couple of seconds anyways, not having to worry about if I have a shortcut for it or not. It’s mostly just hard for me to understand the use of a wall of icons, where you’re searching through it all to try and find a specific shortcut.
I ended up just reaching a point though where I had a few key icons left, and decided I’d rather just have the desktop look nice and clean than the ability to click on Chrome, Vegas, iTunes, etc, there instead of in the start menu.
ahh, so rap music. That’s why I’ve never heard of it. Didn’t know this was also a place I could come for hardcore rap needs..
Well to be honest after putting object dock on my work desktop I’m using icons less and less, but I still like to have some there. If nothing else so I don’t forget that I installed some program I intended to try.. And at home I have a bunch of ripping tools etc I use so rarely I’d have trouble remembering their names. I definitely prefer the win 7 way of search, dock, and icons. In some fashion I use all 3 options. But now Fences is as must on any computer I use.
KBE is a Knighthood. Knight Commander of the British Empire. You have been in the colonies too long Gary.
Also, if Gary really wants a Knighthood then donating about £100k to the Tory Party should do it 😀
A mention of porn on a technology (?) podcast. Tested wins again! Also, I got a Bingo.
I would love to be to make my own version of the “Oh hi, I didn’t see you’ music break.
Loved the Kodak discussion. Just to point out Kodak was one of the first to market with a digital camera… It was just a Apple branded camera produced by them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_QuickTake
Let that sink in for a moment another market Apple invented but arguably didn’t come to dominate (unless you wan’t to lump the iphone in with that).
I love you guys, but damn you guys can be dicks. I mean I guess I may be wrongly assuming that your best buy is similar to mine, but I mean these are people who are NON commission based trying to do their jobs. They don’t actually care if you buy anything with the computer/tv/appliance etc. But its offer or get fired so what do you expect.
And honestly the policy of checking receipts isn’t because you stole something, it’s because customers ALWAYS forget something at the register; Or they don’t and then they come back trying to get something for free. Don’t be so cynical
. If you forget something, the associates then have to do a count and check inventory vs what’s there. Often the inventory is inaccurate. Its so much easier just to check it at the door and make sure you got it. Its to help the customer out.I work at a Best Buy, and I’ll concede that alot of the people that work there aren’t techie. For good reason too. Techie people generally want more money then non techie. You can’t have it both ways. Fact is you’re either going to get good techie help with high profit margins (generally apple) or low margin shit help (your costco/walmart). Best Buy seems to be caught in the middle right now. (Also I’ve come to notice most Techie people suck at Customer Service.)
I understand people have shitty experiences, but don’t say its necessarily every Best Buy Employee. They get hired to do a job. Blame corporate level screw ups if anything.
PS. that signed receipt thing saved my ass so many times. I can’t tell you how many times a customer will come back looking for a laptop or small tv saying they “forgot it”. It always ends with “Oh I wanted two of them, I guess he only rang me up for one” and they leave. Barging passed them when they ask politely to see a receipt is a dick move.
Don’t take my Kodachrome
You made some great points, but their objections to having their receipts checked were based on nothing but their massive egos. So reasoning with them is futile. My receipt gets checked every time I go to BJs (like Costco) and every time I buy something large or expensive at Best Buy, and you know how many times I have gotten offended or angry about it? Zero.
Seriously. I understand buyer beware. I encourage that in all facets of life. I don’t encourage “please be rude to the dude who is just doing his job”. Some people deserve it (some people i work with) but when you come in with that attitude and walk up to an employee rolling your eyes it annoys me.
This is spooky, I recently happened to return my iPod Nano in Apple’s product recall, and this happened to be the first podcast I listened to on it. Lo and behold, Gary mentions a friend who has done the exact same thing. And just to clarify, it applies to people who have the first generation iPod Nano (models in both black and white).
Gary was wondering why his broadband throughput is lower via wifi “N” than via wired even though wifi N exceeds the bandwidth of his broadband connections. I think this can be attributed to latency. Wifi adds latency to the connection due to the conversion to radio waves and back. Therefore, the TCP acknowledgment packets from the wifi connection, that go back to the sender, don’t arrive as quickly as they do from the wired connection.
Why does this matter? The TCP protocol is designed with congestion management. That is, a TCP sender tries not to send more data than a TCP receiver can accept. The overall design is complex but one part of the design has the TCP sender pausing as soon as it has a certain number of unacknowledged packets.
For illustration, assume the sending machine in Gary’s test is configured to only have ten unacknowledged packets at any given moment. The sending machine will start writing packets to the network targeted for Gary’s host machine. As soon as it has written ten packets it will stop and wait for acknowledgements. Once the first written packet is acknowledged, it will send the next packet and so on. If a wired connection acknowledges the packet in 80 milliseconds, then the wait time will be between sending packet 10 and packet 11 will be 80 milliseconds. If the wireless connection takes 82 milliseconds the waiting time will be 82 milliseconds. Those small delays build-up and the test results will reflect that.
There are ways to alleviate this type of problem through parameter tuning, but that only goes so far with the TCP protocol. For the maximum throughput, regardless of line latency, IP multicast is the protocol of choice because the sender can send data at the speed the network interface can accept the data. Internet multicast has never taken off though, due to a number of complexities in implementing and managing it.
I wonder if I’m missing some music gland. I just finished up Arkham City, and the only music I remember at all was the menu music. Which I guess I just thought sounded like Batman music. Not any particular theme, and certainly not a poor copy of one.
same here…. I don’t have one thing on my desktop
also where did you get that wallpaper?
Pulled the wallpaper from this Deviantart page.