Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 103 – The Amazing Test? – 01/19/2012

On this week’s episode, Norm opens a package, Gary puts things in order, and Will gets ultra-violent. All that, plus the latest on Kodak’s bankruptcy, the SOPA/PIPA protests, the unveiling of The Amazing Test, and another episode of fake outtakes.

Comments (24)

24 thoughts on “Episode 103 – The Amazing Test? – 01/19/2012

  1. Bowlby just replied to your comment:

      What is the best mp3 player, then? My iPod’s been acting up for a while now and I’m in the market for a new one. (Bear in mind I’m in the UK, so Zune is not an option.)

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  2. I agree with Will about having your kids think the TV is just for video games and movies. If I ever have kids, that’s the way I’m going to do it.

  3. Wait, what’s wrong with the climate here in Seattle? Snow is fucking awesome. Had a blast sledding down my hill, which if you’ve ever seen a Seattle hill, you’ll know would be pretty kick ass for sledding.

    people who habitually pirate drugs are scum… okay rich british loud mouth knows better than you

    Pirating drugs is pretty fucking vicious. Those guys kill dudes mate.

    Please sort the pieces. There is nothing fun about watching a guy dig through a pile. Sorting will keep things moving and will avoid 5 minutes of dragging the bottom of a river of legos.

  4. I agree with Gary about habitual pirates. When I was a teenager I downloaded some songs and movies. But then I realized, and this was before the fall of Napster, that I had the money to buy the stuff, so why not buy it instead of screwing over people who worked hard on what I was enjoying. And if I didn’t have the money, saving it and buying the thing later made having it all the sweeter instead of getting instant gratification. (Which is also why I will do things like join Whiskey Media.) Of course, there have been a few things I’ve downloaded since, such as when my old MP3 player software forbid me from ripping Metallica CDs to it, I went to Kazaa and downloaded the songs. The other time was in 2003 when I was going to England. Return of the King was out of theaters, wasn’t out on DVD until August, and I was going to spend three weeks in England in July. So, I might have downloaded that so I could watch the whole trilogy if I wanted to. Of course, I only opened my laptop two or three times total in the 24 days while there, and I never watched anything on it, only used it for schoolwork. Now my roommate, he might be stealing books for his Kindle and songs on his computer. I’m not going to get preachy with him. I can only do what I can do.

    American Gods was a great book. I actually found it when wondering around Walmart one day right when it came out in paperback. I was resistant to reading Gaiman at the time because everyone was in love with him.

    Related to some early talk on the podcast, I’ve been running my iPhone’s music through a radio tuner in my car since I got the car in 2007. I’ve done everything I could, bought a new tuner, removed the antenna so there would be less of stations crossing into it, but still was never getting a great signal. There would be static, distortions, and sometimes I would lose signal altogether. Also, the iPhone plug on it would pop out if I hit a pebble. So, I bought a new Clarion CX501 receiver with USB, Bluetooth, and it looks like Tron. Plugging into the USB, I can’t believe how much better everything is. Listening to podcasts now sounds awesome. Music is crisp and clear. Even on my old car where I had an AUX plug wasn’t this good. So now, I’m sad it took me this long to do this. And now I have a car antenna again.

  5. I love the media exposure strategy talk. I’ve often contemplated that as well, were I to have kids. My concern there is if I come on too strong trying to present stuff I like, he/she would automatically shy away from it, so I guess was right in saying that no plan survives contact with the enemy (read: child). The same goes for theatre, my fiance and I were both heavily involved with drama in high school and college, although we dabbled with sports too, and would love any potential children to follow the same route. However, seeing the products of “stage mothering” first hand, it seems that sort of thing needs to come about organically.

  6. I’ve thought about the media exposure issue as well, as kids may be a possibility in the near future. My first thought was regarding the Lord of the Rings movies vs books first. I remember fondly reading the book when I was 13-14 or whatever and thinking “wow this is amazing”. Probably something like the experience some people here had with seeing Star Wars, which I didn’t see until way later, and after I’d heard all the “i am your father” jokes etc. My wife has not read LotR but seen the movies and I think that is a poor substitute, and will totally ruin the experience of reading the book for the first time. After that you’re just seeing Vigo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom etc.

    But will it be possible to get your kid to actually read LotR before they see the movie? Even if they don’t watch it at home, they’ll probably go to some friend at they’ll put it on when they’re 10 years old, when they have no interest of reading the book. Does this even matter anymore? Are kids today so jaded that my amazement at this fantasy world is now a daily occurrance and nobody cares about it?

  7. What was the book Will mentioned? i missed it and don’t remember where in the show he mentioned it

    American Gods, which is indeed fantastic.

    All Neil Gaiman is fantastic really.

  8. RE: Card Game Storage Solution

    I had a somewhat similar problem to Will’s, looking for a way to store my ST:TNG DVDs. The original packaging they came in was massive, ugly, and makes it hard to access the discs. I ended up buying some cheap CD sleeves and a clear tote box from The Container Store, and used some cut-up comic backer boards as season dividers. 100% better than the old packaging.

  9. Disappointed to see nobody took what Will said about Android seriously, was expecting some Fandroid tears!

    (I own an Android)

  10. Hmm, an internet comment section that is defensive towards people that are hostile towards pirates…not surprising…

  11. I was given LotR at the age of 9, and read through all three books. If you are the type of parents that read to your kids, and instill in them a love of reading (and provided that they are good readers for their age) you would be surprised at how young kids can be while reading large novels.

  12. It’s a shame they don’t sell the Ultimate Collector’s version Millennium Falcon anymore. 5000+ pieces and it looks amazing.

  13. Do you have a link to this ‘magical’ cable you and Gary talked about? I use the headphone jack in my car at the moment but it’s awful quality.

  14. good stuff, enjoyed the video too. Also heard you talking on an earlier podcast about your wifi woes at CES. How about a video on getting the best out a good router? Setting d-wrt and avoiding pitfalls?

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