Podcast - Adam Savage Project

We Went to SXSW – 3/18/2014

Adam, Will, and Norm share stories and experiences from SXSW 2014, including a visit to the Game of Thrones prop tour, Adam’s 30 hour SXSW whirlwind, and a surprise Austin connection to Adam’s family. Enjoy!

Comments (31)

31 thoughts on “We Went to SXSW – 3/18/2014

  1. This was an epic episode. The site has really been kicking ass these last few weeks.

    As I’m listening to the stories and seeing all the amazing stuff you get to experience in the course of providing that great content, I’m just really happy for you guys. Keep up the awesome work!

  2. Sorry Adam. It is Bill Cosby. From the “himself” tour.

    X2. He references what Carol Burnett said in his bit about natural childbirth. And Will and Norm are right, it’s your bottom lip you’re supposed to pull over your head.

    Love the show guys, keep up the great work!

  3. Any fan of Drew Struzan is probably already aware of this, but I’ll just put this here anyway. From the stories he was telling, I’m pretty sure Norm’s already seen it….

  4. I am so glad someone else has seen this book. Generally 40 bucks is my limit on book purchasing, but I saw this at my local shop and had to spend the 60 dollar price for it. One of the most amazing compendiums of any artist that I’ve ever layed eyes on. This book has been on my coffee table longer than any other, if that says anything. If anyone else has seen it, doesnt it almost remind you of Da Vinci drawings? I’ve been doing my own copies of some of his pages just to have them framed, as they are truly just a well of inspiration for me.

    The marker art is definitely my go to. That photo was a practice before I fully recreate the page.

  5. Was talking about that “falling” trope the other week with my friends in my uni’s Climbing and Mountaineering club. So at the climbing gym, we found a suitable hold and tried it. We all failed.

    Holding onto your own weight with just one arm for any extended period of time is tough, let alone with another person in tow. And this was all given that: as climbers we’re used to this sort of stuff – strength/experience-wise, we purposefully selected the easiest hold there was to hold onto, and we weren’t actually falling, so there was no ‘jerk’ you would experience once your collective weight catches.

    There are, however, climbers in our club who have much better strength/endurance/experience than us. So they might have more success. There’s also the adrenaline factor that Will mentioned.

    In a similar situation, a bunch of ice-climbers also tried this out with people falling into a crevasse, to see if their expedition partners could support them. They were of course all rigged up with safety anchors as well. This video shows that they too failed to do so most of the time. Note: when the guy on top does stop, its usually not because he manages to stop the fall, but because his safety anchor catches him and the other guy.


    This video actually doesn’t show it, but they also tried with two people trying to support the fall, and they couldn’t manage it either. I think only once was there a successful run, when the guy managed to get his ice-axe caught onto a rock and it didn’t rip out of his hands.

    So yeah, that trope seems to be pretty ‘Busted’. Though saying that just makes me want to see try it out on the show all the more! (Or has that been done already?)

  6. On the steno subject, my boyfriend works at telephone “relais” for deaf people. He basically is the telephone link between deaf people who has the modem typing machine and the people or services that doesn’t have the machine. So he is typing live what people says to the deaf and reading what the deaf types to the service/people. So people at this service are bilingual (English/French since we are in Canada) and they have to type I a frenetic pace! Voilà! There’s a girl that type more then 60 words a minute there that as just one hand!! Yeah I know this is mind blowing!

  7. What shirt is that? That’s an incredible shirt and I want one!

    Yes!!! I totally want one of those shirts too. Please tell us before I die! 🙂

  8. I think Jessi (who filled in when Kari was on maternity leave), Grant and Tory did it a few years ago. They were not able to hold on very long. They were hanging off the roof of a building holding onto a smaller and smaller ledge. At one point Tory fell a good distance and banged his knee pretty badly before the safety harness could stop him. They also brought in an experienced climber, who did better but still nowhere close to the movie-scenarios. I seem to remember they then tried hanging off a fake helicopter where they had a better grip and pulling themselves to safety, which they were all able to do.

  9. Another great podcast, but I was surprised to hear there are still people who think rent control is a good idea. It always gets abused by the well-off, and always leads to more shortages of affordable housing, so you either end the policy, or end new construction.

    Sorry to go off on a tangent, but it was like I heard you guys say how great tariffs are great for protecting vital industries in case of war with the East India Company.

  10. Nice shirt. Will it be an undershirt for the (hopefully) forthcoming Jacket Aficionado Magazine? 😉

  11. My best-friend Rye is a Closed Caption worker in L.A. If you want any info let me know. I can pass long the contact info.

  12. Hey guys. You must have already covered this, but what is it with the 20 minute mark you want to hit. Isn’t 35 a little better? I know it’s a sound approach to leave people wanting more, but I don’t feel great about it being that much more. This all means I like the show of course, so don’t take it the wrong way.

  13. I really like to look at the props in the background. I see there’s a new Cap shield. I’d love to see more episodes just looking at Adam’s stuff. Remember when you were showing the shelves in his office and Norm teased that they had only looked at one wall and would come back to show more?

  14. I’m reading Cabinet of Curiosities right now (borrowed it from my brother in law) and it’s an amazingly beautiful book. There’s one particular prop in there I desperately want to replicate- the elemental egg. It’s such a wonderful piece and I love the way it opens up in the film. I’ve spent a long time going over screen caps and gathering as much information on it as I can (of which there is very little) and doing lots of drawings to figure out how to make it open up while keeping it the proper size. Of course the Schufftein glasses would be cool too- I have a fantastic photo set of them… so little time and so much to do. 🙂

    I couldn’t believe it when I saw the full size Sammael in the hall. There was a lot of discussion on one of the forums I visit about the animatronic eyes that Jon Dawe created for Sammael- it’s just an incredible piece of work. There’s some great pics with a nice writeup here.

  15. I hate to be “that guy,” but I lived in Austin from ’84-’04, and I have to say, it really is true that SXSW was pretty played out even before the turn of the century.

  16. That thing Adam was pointing at I’m going to guess was the arse end of a T-rex skull replica. It does look realistic hanging up there, you’ve already shown it on tested though.

  17. George R Martin made it to AggieCon at Texas A & M last year. It is a con put on by A & M students. Y’all should come back to Texas for it.

  18. George R Martin made it to AggieCon at Texas A & M last year. It is a con put on by A & M students. Y’all should come back to Texas for it.

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