Podcast - Adam Savage Project

Ultimate Prop Wishlists – 4/8/2014

This week, Adam, Will, and Norm discuss their prop wishlists, the things they’re always on the lookout for in a variety of categories. Also discussed: the new Cosmos, the old Cosmos, and The Truman Show. Apologies for the lost video in the final minutes of the podcast. Our GoPro failed midway through the recording.

Comments (62)

62 thoughts on “Ultimate Prop Wishlists – 4/8/2014

  1. I only watched the first episode of Cosmos. The science fiction in a what is supposed to be science fact was awful. Whomever thought the flying space ship was a good idea needs to stop trying to make documentaries.

    It’s like Neil deGrasse Tyson is Noah in his flying ark. Really bad.

  2. Great podcast! A 3′ Falcon sounds amazing, but I’m currently still obsessed with the original Matrix so I’d go for a 3′ Nebuchadnezzar. For a hand prop I’d like agent Smith’s ‘tin of bugs’, a good prop to build if you’re a starter. Costume prop? erm.. to stick with the theme I’ll go for some arm and neck ‘plugs’! I imagine Adam already owns all these props.

  3. Personally I don’t know why Norm gets so much flak for this. I have worked it out. Norm would contribute way more, he’s just not rude and doesn’t interrupt people.

  4. At least the camera loss wasn’t catastrophic, there weren’t any “Oh this here looks awesome!” moments lost.

    The sword was Narsil before it broke and Anduril afterward. I think it would be cool to have the statue holding the pieces of Narsil, like they had in the movie(s). It had a very ‘sword-in-the-stone’ ‘waiting-for-a-great-destiny’ feel about it.

    I’m afraid I’m mostly with Will on the minimalization front – I support a local makerspace to get tool access and a place to get my tinker jones taken care of, but objects themselves have to be awesome or useful or both for me to really want to acquire them these days.

  5. As for props, the big red ‘recall’ button from the Out of Gas episode of Firefly. Big red buttons are always cool. On the Firefly DVD commentary, Alan Tudyk apparently pinched it from the set and presented it to Joss Whedon to press if the series got renewed.

  6. Given the choice between this and another Ghost Hunters or Pawn Stars, I’d much rather people were watching this. The original Cosmos also had a ship. Looked like a star. The point is to make it less like a lecture and more engaging for novices. That said, I’m a massive science nerd (if folks saw my reading list it would demonstrate this) and even I find occasional nuggets that are surprising or inspirational science facts…usually in the history segments.

  7. For a hand prop I’d like agent Smith’s ‘tin of bugs’, a good prop to build if you’re a starter.

    I have wanted one of the bugs as a keychain ever since I saw the movie. That’d be so awesome.

    I would also love to have one of the Southern Oracle statues from Neverending Story. Totally not because I’m a perv either. No, really.

  8. For the record, Cap’s shield is not made from a vibranium-adamantium alloy. The shield is a vibranium-iron alloy with an unknown catalyst that makes it impossible to recreate. Adamantium is a similar metal created by the same scientist in an attempt to replicate the original vibranium-iron alloy, which is usually referred to as proto-adamantium.

  9. As I understand it, the really, really big X-Wing to which Norm refers was built for Return of the Jedi but never filmed. I do not believe it was intended as a pyro miniature.

  10. I’d agree it’s a good thing to have science on TV. But compared to Brian Cox’s Wonders of the Solar System, Wonders of the Universe and Wonders of Life series, Cosmos appears a bit naff and silly.

  11. This is true, but Cox’s shows would be a very hard sell stateside… a very slowly paced show with some dude standing on mountainsides around the world talking about complex physics. The BBC can do that kinda show because they aren’t reliant on ads and are, to a degree, mandated to deliver science content.

    I also think Brian Cox is a vastly superior presenter to Neil deGrasse Tyson. Tyson is a good speaker and interview-subject, but a terrible interviewer himself, and his podcast has probably the worst possible format for an interview. He isn’t a bad presenter, but compared to Cox he isn’t in the same league.

  12. What are the odds that they spent time in the first part of the podcast talking about the tv show LOST, only to loose the video shortly thereafter?!

  13. Fantastic show guys, really entertaining!

    I often struggle with prop wish lists as there’s so many great items out there from all manner of films and tv shows, so you could end up with hundreds of items to chose from. In that regard, I’m narrowing my interest down to Doctor Who – it’s the show that I grew up with.

    Large props would have to be the TARDIS, K9 or a Dalek and luckily I have those, although in an unfinished or un-restored state. I was lucky enough to work for a props company that serviced the show when it returned to television in 2005, so I managed to borrow the moulds of various things for a while to do a bit of casting.

    Hand props? Sonic Screwdriver, but I’m sick to death of seeing those, instead I’d go for other pocket fillers from the Doctor’s personal cache. I’m gradually building up a stash of these things.

    Models. So many to chose from, but Bill Pearson built a stunning escape pod for a story called Earthshock, using bits and pieces left over from Aliens. That’d be cool and I’ve already amassed the kit parts.

    Sets. The TARDIS console room. I’ve got that covered too as I managed to obtain the original moulds for the 1980’s version – the problem is having absolutely nowhere to house it… If only things really could be bigger on the inside, then all these storage issues wouldn’t be a problem!

  14. Unfortunately not, that’s something that you have to install yourself and I haven’t quite got my head around it yet. A manual would be useful, but I can’t seem to find it. Maybe it’s a test, I dunno.

  15. Wow- great podcast!

    I find that I really enjoy the process of creating props more than the actual ownership of them. I just like the challenge of figuring out how to make things. Having said that…

    For small(ish) props I’d have to go with three particular items from Hellboy-

    1) Rasputin’s Mecha Glove -started on it and it got put on the backburner- can’t wait to see Adam’s replica!

    2) Prince Nuada’s elemental egg- such a beautiful and complex piece. I’ve been working on the drawings for this for a while and I think I have a good handle on how to do it. I think brass over a wooden form is how I’m going to do it. Already picked up a wooden egg. 🙂

    3) The Schufftein glasses. Much like the Mecha Glove it’s the combination of materials used and design that does it for me.

    Of course I’d also love a Grail diary (my favorite book prop) as well as an animatronic Zat gun from the Stargate TV series (currently working on it- have all of the parts.)

    Costumes/costume pieces-

    1) Stargate Horus helmet- I have a set of screen accurate castings and just received all of the servos so I’m working on it now. This has been a dream piece of mine for a very long time. 🙂

    2) Whiplash costume from Iron Man 2- I just love this piece. I love the combination of the metals and fabric and exposed tech.

    3) HULC exosuit from Elysium.


    I love all of the Star Wars models but I’d have to go with a studio scale Slave 1- it’s such an unusual shape and I love the colors/weathering. The studio scale B-wing would be next.

  16. I’d never heard the Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Cameron fever-dream hypothesis before. That’s a great idea!

  17. I applaud your burgeoning minimalism! Check out the r/minimalism subreddit for help. I love videos of Adams spaces, because they are both filled with amazing stuff, AND so full of stuff it makes my brain ache. Great podcast! Thanks.

  18. One of my prop wishlists is a synthesis of real-world objects and props. As a person who collects typewriters I often see one in a movie which I then want to go and find.

  19. I think you guys are all being way too hard on the new Cosmos. It might have started out feeling a bit too flashy and dumbed down, but subsequent episodes have been MUCH stronger and more compelling, and have delved into some pretty heavy science as well. And his style may be very different from Sagans, but Tyson is still a fantastic host.

  20. lol was totally unexpected! What else would you play when video drops *shrugs*

    If you like slow motion capture video’s check out Slow Mo Guys on Youtube, great channel 🙂

  21. I’m working out how I to build a, full size replica, AIM-4D Falcon, as a
    floorlamp. I’ve found most of the
    markings and am trying to decide what materials to use for each end.

  22. Not exactly a prop, but I would absolutely love an Empire Strikes Back Yoda that can be partially puppeteered. I know that there were various Yodas used in ESB, but a Yoda that is full-sized with a Muppet style control system (one hand inside Yoda with a basic system for operating the eyes and mouth; second hand controlling the cane/arms) would be an absolute dream.

    I’ve lurked around the RPF enough to know that there are people building them (Gino makes the most perfect version in my opinion). It’s crazy how easy it is to screw up Yoda’s face too: a little too much chin, or slightly mis-sized eyes, and Yoda completely loses the charm that he has in ESB.

  23. I can trace my interest in how jewellery is made directly to the Fabergé egg in Octopussy. I’m a jeweller today in part because of that interest. I’ve acquired and restored the antique engraving engines necessary to guilloché. A near term project is to make an accurate replica of the Octopussy egg as Fabergé’s craftsmen would have at the turn of the last century.

  24. Good episode.

    Hand prop: the Kurgan sword from Highlander.

    Costume: Zed’s costume on the way to the Police Academy

    Model: Dark City

  25. I won’t outright say you’re wrong, as comic books recreate their continuity constantly, but the Vibranium-Adimantium alloy has been a long running story element. I just looked it up in the ol’ Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe. (circa 1986)

  26. In of itself, Marvel tries to keep to a single continuity. With specific mention when something is a part of a separate universe. Cap’s shield is proto-Adamantium. Wolverene’s is one of the attempts to recreate it. Cap’s shield was made out of Wakandan Vibranium being mixed with iron and an unknown third element, the process used was what went on to create True Adamantium.

    To quote the Marvel Database Wikia on the subject:

    Later, Dr. MacLain’s attempts to duplicate the shield, minus Wakandan Vibranium and the mystery factor, resulted in true Adamantium. Because of this historical link, the unknown substance composing the shield is sometimes referred to as “proto-adamantium”.

  27. I’ve collected a few things – Lego, Airfix kits, old Anglepoise lamps, SGI workstations and a few other things, unfortunately I really don’t have the room to collect too much more.

    I’d love a few more vintage computing bits (Original IBM Byte, an Amiga 3000, a Next machine), as well as some nice costuming pieces (Although I may be a little short for a stormtrooper…).

    I’d really like some vintage space stuff, but we don’t get too much this side of the pond..

    There was a space history auction in NYC yesterday – Bonhams – some really neat lots for sale!

  28. What I was referring to in terms of continuity is that every time a new author adds or changes the story, “history” for that character changes. The term known as “retroactive continuity.”

    And I was simply stating I had not heard of a vibranium-iron alloy. I won’t say that’s never existed as a concept, because I haven’t read every single marvel comic. It could very well have existed as a concept, to be replaced by a vibranium-adamantium alloy written by another writer, to be replaced by a three metal alloy written by another writer.

  29. I live in Portland, OR. There is a vintage and collectibles mall about 20 mins from here where hanging from the ceiling there is a 5 or 6 foot millennium falcon. I have always wanted it. It’s so cool. Also if you are up here in the area you guys should go anyways. They have a HUGE collection of star wars and star trek toys and collectibles.

  30. Great episode (The mark of a good podcast is that it can lose it’s video feed and still keep the audiences interest)

    I’m debating taking up knitting, just to make myself a Tom Baker era Dr Who scarf…. But my hands/wrists ache just thinking about it ,-)

  31. Lots of good prop ideas here.

    Hand Prop: Luke ROTJ hero saber or Aragorn’s ranger sword

    Costume: (movie) Screen accurate Vader ESB suit

    (real/historical) Authentic WWI british service dress uniform

    Model: I’ll have to go with one of the star destroyers.. any of them

    Also I have to say, as a student finishing up a textiles/textile engineering degree, a project of restoring NASA artifacts sounds very interesting. Space suits/textiles/composites are one of the reasons I chose this area of study.

  32. I’m gleefully waiting for Norm to punch will in the throat for cutting him off mid sentence over and over. The only prop i would really want is the fuzzy wall from “Get Him To the Greek” and maybe a good replica of the sword from the game Blood Omen 2

  33. just watched episode 5 last night, and really enjoyed it! it did a much better job at explaining the underlying concepts of the episode’s theme (light spectrum).

  34. You guys are a bad influence! Ha ha ha.

    I’m a huge fan of Star Trek TOS, and I’ve been wanting to buy some cool props but I was worried they would be crap. I just ordered the Playmate Tricorder (with light upgrade) and Communicator.

  35. Norm, this is the first time I’ve genuinely felt the need to pick a bone with you sir. In the video, you put two words together, that have bothered me sincerely since I heard you say them. I watched the video the other day when it was posted, and wasn’t going to say anything, but it’s been on my mind so here it goes.

    There is no such thing as “science propaganda” as you put it. There is only scientific fact, and scientific speculation. That’s what makes science different from all other things. You can not propagate a scientific fact in the way you meant when you said it. You almost made the show Cosmos sound like a bad thing, which is genuinely upsetting to me. To have a show of such intellectual import broadcasted on a major network during primetime television, is the first miracle I’ve witnessed in my entire life. We’re talking about information that is necessary for the world at large to understand and accept in order to move on to the next paradigm as a species. I put our stagnant intellectual state for most of our existence down to religion, and this show alongside all science in general, helps to bring us out of the darkness of it. Truly, the amount of damage that religion has caused to our race since it’s earliest beginnings is a stain that should have been washed out long, long ago, and a show like Cosmos, WHICH OFFERS ONLY FACT, and not propaganda, will help in bringing this beautiful knowledge and scientific acceptance to our overly fanatic nation.

    And as it’s hard to hear inflection in an internet comment, don’t read this as an attack. I’m just giving you a rebuttal to your own argument, as if I had been in the conversation with you 3 awesome dudes.

    In conclusion, I implore you to keep the words science and propaganda far far away from eachother in future sentence structures. Give Mr. Tyson and the rest some credit, they’re putting great stuff out there in a simplified form, and though I wish the whole world was as interested in these subjects enough to where simplification wasn’t necessary, the fact remains that it’s serving its purpose in grand fashion.

  36. Awesome! I still regret selling my GB costume. A really good GB costume is just one of the best things ever- and it looks great on everyone.

  37. I believe the show you were referring to Adam was “It’s Like, You Know”… a great show that was unfortunately never seen by many.

    I can actually recall many years ago, when I was a child going into a hobby store and seeing a Bladerunner blaster kit… I never bought it but always loved the idea of it.

    Now that I’m older I’d probably be more inclined to try and make it myself anyway (I should be clear here I don’t really have any skill at making… but I do it anyway when possible).

    I might as well join the ranks…

    Hand Prop: Conan’s sword: I’m a huge Arnie fan and I love the original film, I know it’s a basic sword but it has a real talismanic quality to it (to me at least)

    Costume: I’d probably have to go with Indiana Jones, specifically the hat… I’ve always love that hat.

    Scenery/model etc: Maybe the throne from the end of Conan to go along with the sword… I can come home from work and plonk myself down and look contemplative whilst resting on my sword.

    Love the podcast, it vicariously feeds my creative need at the moment.

  38. that Falcon is actually a Hasbro store display from the mid 90s. Definitely a cool sight to behold, but nothing like what a studio scale filming model would be like.

  39. Consider the idea that Cosmos might be a tool to help reach those of us (humans) who wouldn’t normally go out of our way to explore science.

    I love the show. I’m also a very emotionally driven artist type and fact driven information has always been extremely hard for me to learn and retain. What Cosmos has been doing for me is taking the facts and creating an emotional story that I can wrap my particular head around. I can’t memorize science no matter how interesting a subject I find it to be. I need another way to connect to those ideas. If people can’t understand what you’re saying, try it again in a different way.

    I’m hoping that Cosmos gets out there to the people who don’t accept science as fact. Maybe it’ll fall short of convincing them but at least it isn’t some stuffy scientist throwing hard facts in their face and telling them they’re stupid. Instead it’s this nice guy who explains things slowly and tells us that we’re all a part of this incredible thing which is greater than ourselves. It’s hard to force people to change. You have to kind of lead them in the right direction and you have to be willing to compromise a little. Maybe we don’t compromise on the facts but instead on the tone with which we explain it.

    Anyways! I’m enjoying the show and I look forward to hearing what everyone thinks of it after you all watch it.

    Annnnd if I could have anything I would take every costume from Tarsem’s The Fall.

  40. This is a real Enigma machine from WWII it runs on 6 AA batteries (not the original batery type). My friend works for The NSA as a historian he brought this to Idaho to give a talk at ISU. My 18 month old nephew is coding a transmission.

  41. Cosmos: released in 145 countries in 48 languages simultaneously. I think it’s a stunning science communications success.

    #PodcastsWorthHearing : Neil deGrasse Tyson – Finally, Science Is Cool by Inquiring Minds http://ow.ly/vIkk1

  42. you realize that the ship of the imagination was a staple of the original Cosmos? As was the Cosmic Calendar and recreations of famous events.

  43. Hand: Ronon’s gun from Stargate Atlantis. I know molds and castings from the stunt prop are on ebay every once in a while, but I’d love to see someone go through the crazy lengths to replicate it a la Adam’s Blade Runner gun and Norm’s DL-44. People have determined it’s built around a Civil War era revolver, but that’s it.

    Costume: General Kenobi (from the CG series, not the original Genndy cartoon). I really love the look of clothing + armor. And I think I wouldn’t hate life if I were to wear that to a convention. I’d also love to have a Master Chief helmet. I’d do dumb stuff with it like wearing a suit or beach attire. The most intricate/crazy I’d go is Nightingale armor from Skyrim.


    And there are tons of ships from Halo and Stargate that I’d love to have models of.

  44. A couple of podcasts ago there were two steering wheel airbags on the table during the podcast

    I was just wondering what you were going to use then for?.

    I haven’t been on the site for a while and I really miss following the wacky antics of you all.

  45. If you have the skills and tools to build your own Enigma-Mashine, go to http://www.enigma.hs-weingarten.de.

    They deconstructed an original one and drew plans of it (they also try to rebuild one, and maybe sell replicas later.

    But und drawings und can register for downloading the plans.

    Unfortunately for you, the site is completely in German …

  46. I actually did what they said and google translated it.


    [1st Verse]

    They Told Him Don’t You Ever Come Around Here

    Don’t Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear

    The Fire’s In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear

    So Beat It, Just Beat It

    [2nd Verse]

    You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can

    Don’t Wanna See No Blood, Don’t Be A Macho Man

    You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can

    So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad


    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

    No One Wants To Be Defeated

    Showin’ How Funky Strong Is Your Fight

    It Doesn’t Matter Who’s Wrong Or Right

    Just Beat It, Beat It

    Just Beat It, Beat It

    Just Beat It, Beat It

    Just Beat It, Beat It

    [3rd Verse]

    They’re Out To Get You, Better Leave While You Can

    Don’t Wanna Be A Boy, You Wanna Be A Man

    You Wanna Stay Alive, Better Do What You Can

    So Beat It, Just Beat It

    [4th Verse]

    You Have To Show Them That You’re Really Not Scared

    You’re Playin’ With Your Life, This Ain’t No Truth Or Dare

    They’ll Kick You, Then They Beat You,

    Then They’ll Tell You It’s Fair

    So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad


    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

    No One Wants To Be Defeated

    Showin’ How Funky Strong Is Your Fight

    It Doesn’t Matter Who’s Wrong Or Right


    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

    No One Wants To Be Defeated

    Showin’ How Funky Strong Is Your Fight

    It Doesn’t Matter Who’s Wrong Or Right

    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It


    Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

    No One Wants To Be Defeated

    Showin’ How Funky Strong Is Your Fight

    It Doesn’t Matter Who’s Wrong Or Right


    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

    No One Wants To Be Defeated

    Showin’ How Funky Strong Is Your Fight

    It Doesn’t Matter Who’s Wrong Or Who’s Right


    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

    No One Wants To Be Defeated

    Showin’ How Funky Strong Is Your Fight

    It Doesn’t Matter Who’s Wrong Or Right


    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

    No One Wants To Be Defeated

    Showin’ How Funky Strong Is Your Fight

    It Doesn’t Matter Who’s Wrong Or Right

    Just Beat It, Beat It

    Beat It, Beat It, Beat It


    They told him , never came to this area, I

    I disappear you better , please do not wanna see your face

    Fire words and their eyes are very clear

    Yes, just the right pace , Beat It

    It will be better all , you can run

    I neMacho you do not want the blood of all men

    I want to be difficult , you better better

    Yes, this trap is bad, but it broke ,

    Beat , Beat It, Beat It, Beat It just

    Nobody wants to be defeated

    Battle you strength has been shown that great

    It did not matter that the law and failure

    Beat , Beat It just

    Beat , Beat It just

    Beat , Beat It just

    Beat , Beat It just

    They can , but they are better, you are out to get you

    You want to be a man, I do not want byćchłopcem

    You will live trap , better best

    Yes, just the right pace , Beat It

    You must show them that you really do not fear

    You are ” Playin in your life, or not the truth, and dare it

    You and deport you beat

    After that, they will tell you that it’s true

    While the trap is bad, but I beat him,

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it

    Nobody wants to be defeated

    Battle you strength has been shown that great

    It did not matter that the law and failure

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it

    Nobody wants to be defeated

    Battle you strength has been shown that great

    It did not matter that the law and failure

    Just beat it , beat , beat , beat , beat

    Beat it , beat it, beat it, beat it

    Nobody wants to be defeated

    Battle you strength has been shown that great

    It did not matter that the law and failure

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it

    Nobody wants to be defeated

    Battle you strength has been shown that great

    This is not a problem to someone or is responsible , that is correct

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it

    Nobody wants to be defeated

    Battle you strength has been shown that great

    It did not matter that the law and failure

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it

    Nobody wants to be defeated

    Battle you strength has been shown that great

    It did not matter that the law and failure

    Just beat it, beat it

    Beat , beat , beat

    There are only a few differences.

  47. I know I’m a little late listening to the podcast but the Adam stuff seems less current event focused to they get shuffled into the podcast playlist among other things like Maron, Nerdist, Writing Excuses, and Carcast where Bombcast and This is Only a Test usually filter to the top.

    In any case Adam should add a MOL spacesuit to his wish list. The rare “classified” blue USAF/CIA suit vs the mundane orange civillian one, I’m sure you know which wins. 🙂

    While I think Zats are cool (third shot disintegrates) and the way the Horus Jaffa (The Serpent Guard’s eyes glow the Horus Guard’s beak glistens and the Setesh Guard’s nose drips) helmets animate I’m not sure is possible without CGI, would be very cool at a con. I’m not a huge fan of the Egyptian motif and am very much more a fan of SG-1 for its genre savvy characters (Stargate writers have it easy because their characters realize they are in a sci-fi show) and the progression of Tau’Ri tech. For me the airsoft or civillian version of the P90 or a good detailed BC-304 “Daedalus” class ship would be cool. I’m kind of afraid of buying this model because I’m not a competent model builder. Part of me just wants to buy the http://starshipmodeler.biz/shop/index.cfm/product/1210/12500-human-x-304-class-deep-space-carrier.cfm model and wait until I’m skilled enough to build it to my spec, the other part of me wants to just petition Quantum Mechanics to do something with their Stargate liscense.

    Hand props? Sonic Screwdriver, but I’m sick to death of seeing those, instead I’d go for other pocket fillers from the Doctor’s personal cache. I’m gradually building up a stash of these things.

    Have you got a bag of Jelly Babies?

  48. As I was listening to this cast it struck me as like a bolt of lightning and I feel inspired to make a captain america shield with a new twist combining 3d printing and other elements like raspberry pi to make a really cool effect shield I’ll post more as I develop into it see you guys in the present when I get there and thank you for taking a selfie Norm at the comikaze expo and taking the time to listen to me ramble incoherently you are awesome

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