Podcast - Adam Savage Project

The Austin Trip – 1/27/2015

Adam, Norm, and Will share their experiences travelling last weekend, including tales of danger and intrigue in Austin, a delightful breakfast in Chicago, and a most unfortunate cut. Enjoy!

Comments (45)

45 thoughts on “The Austin Trip – 1/27/2015

  1. I’m so bummed I didn’t know about the Minchin show… only found out about it when Adam tweeted a photo of himself and the other Savage.

  2. Foul!

    Talk about a great anecdote, then say it has to be cut, then drop back in in the middle of an awesome laugh like that!?!?!

    Foul, I say!! FOUL! ,-)

  3. Agreed! Most heinous! Why didn’t you just cut it before he said “You’re going to have to cut this next part..”


  4. Great cast, though I felt you let it end on a dull note by having the “I’m too rich and white to be shot by the police” guilt trip

  5. Makes a very good suggestion!!

    et al…. How about that bit being for premium members (Of course, not knowing what it happened, it might be something can’t talk about in public at all…. Such is the life of a celeb, and I totally grok…

    Doesn’t mean I don’t still cry “FOUL” at the blatant tease though… ,-)

  6. So because we don’t know what was cut we all start guessing in our imaginations, right.

    My moneys on Mr Law taking the wheel of the “art installation” and giving it some stick….

  7. This was the worst podcast of all time (and all web sites). First, there is a Tom Sachs retrospective in Austin and you didn’t bother to post a notice (I live a block from the sculpture garden). Second there is the crappy “hole” in the podcast. This is not the first time either, there was no notice of the Mythbuster’s tour in December either, imagine my surprise when it turned up in Austin. I revoke my premium membership. Start posting some of the events worthy of seeing!

  8. “Please don’t shoot us, Officer! This white Caprice Classic really isn’t a cop car, and we didn’t steal it just to do burn-outs in this parking lot! Honest.”

  9. humm road trip?

    I suggest they film it, put a lawyer in the back seat, and it can be “Fear and Loathing – with Tom Sachs”

  10. At least tell us why you had to cut it. Was Tom holding, did you do autographs

    = selfies to get off a ticket, did the cop trip over and shoot his pinky toe off?

    p.s. A little of track but, is Made in the US a selling point in America? I realise politically the US is somewhat insular but do people really care?

  11. Yes! To some people, having a product that is made here in this country is important to them.

    I’ll take US-made nylon gear (backpacks, shoulder bags, duffel/tool bags, etc.), over a Chinese-made equivalent any day…

  12. As they say on Mythbusters – Plausible! After all, what could have possibly transpired that would be so rip-roaring hilarious and yet still require a need for secrecy/discretion. Most likely, the officer probably proceeded to give Adam and Tom a personal demonstration of his bad-guy-chasing, high-speed-pursuit-cop driving skills and Adam, out of respect, didn’t want the guy’s superiors figuring out what “Officer Law” was doing after he responded to a 2AM call once the story hit the interwebs.

    So because we don’t know what was cut we all start guessing in our imaginations, right.

    My moneys on Mr Law taking the wheel of the “art installation” and giving it some stick….

  13. Why should Tested have posted a notice for something they weren’t involved with and Mythbusters themselves have its own publicity engine, why does Tested need to participate?

  14. Foul!

    Talk about a great anecdote, then say it has to be cut, then drop back in in the middle of an awesome laugh like that!?!?!

    Foul, I say!! FOUL! ,-)

    That, I must admit, was pretty mean…either cut it out entirely or don’t, but tormenting the listeners is evil!

  15. why should they post stuff like this? Just because you aren’t aware of what is going on in your community doesn’t mean they need to.

    Adam and Will, that cut was cruel but I guess Adam didn’t want to get the cop in trouble for probably going for a ride. LOL

  16. I care about made in America, not because of pride in craftsmanship, but because it makes it much less likely that the product is made in a sweatshop. I don’t mind paying more for something like a hoodie or a pair of jeans because of that. The beautiful thing about those products is that they tend to last much longer than shoddily made stuff assembled out of cheap materials.

    Word! 😎

  17. Obviously, all those cop cars were NOT there to arrest him, but to keep everyone else out of his way!

    And, after all that, he went to Goodyear for a new set of tires! (:

    –Paul E Musselman

  18. This was the worst podcast of all time (and all web sites). First, there is a Tom Sachs retrospective in Austin and you didn’t bother to post a notice (I live a block from the sculpture garden). Second there is the crappy “hole” in the podcast. This is not the first time either, there was no notice of the Mythbuster’s tour in December either, imagine my surprise when it turned up in Austin. I revoke my premium membership. Start posting some of the events worthy of seeing!

    This may be one of the craziest posts ever made here.

  19. Personally I go for non sweatshop brands as often as possible. As long as someone has a job, is able to pay the rent, feed their family and isn’t being trodden into the ground, I just don’t care in which country my product is made.

  20. I was wondering whether anyone was going to notice!

    I bet there was no ‘missing’ anecdote – they just paused and laughed to make us think there was. The rest of the story was pretty good, but does Mrs Donttrythis not mind being left out of all the late night bromancing?

  21. If you just listen to what they said before, you can assume what happens after the cops arrive their.

    adam probably offered them a go in the car, but does not want to get them in trouble.

  22. Sorry to disappoint you, but the retrospective was this last Saturday (January 24), not a few weeks ago. This episode was probably filmed on Monday.

  23. Once in a while, just to mix things up, I think Adam should tell us about a crappy hotel he stayed at, a lousy meal he had, or a trip in which he met no one famous, even if it’s not true.

    Oh, and it’s time to stop using the word “awesome” for everything.

  24. C’mon guys. I completely understand the reasoning, but that was really disappointing. Just cut the entire thing. This isn’t the playground in 6th grade. We don’t need the “I heard that… (whispers then laughs).”

    I love this podcast and all of the great stories Adam is kind enough to share. He has always been gracious and forthcoming with details of his personal life and I have the utmost respect for his candor. That said.. Please don’t tease us with edits done like that.

    See ya next week.

  25. Sorry I am a blues brothers nerd. Their car was basically a 440 Dodge Monaco.

    This is the Blues Brothers Car

  26. “We don’t need the “I heard that… (whispers then laughs).””

    Do as they did on Laugh In– someone thinks of a dirty joke, or whispers in someone’s ear, then they toss a handful of confetti in the air. We, the audience, should think of our own dirty joke, laugh, and we can pretend we all had fun at the same time.

    –Paul E Musselman

  27. I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast. That being said, I wouldn’t have felt quite as bitter about the rub-it-in-our-faces of the cut timing if I wasn’t a premium member.

  28. All seriousness aside, i thought it was funny when they had to cut out something. All of my favorite podcasts (that includes several famous ones) at some point have on-air discussions where they debate on whether or not to tell a story, or how much detail to include. It’s part of the fun of listening to them.

  29. That was a cunty way to edit a story it really brought out my classicism……..not good now I’m fantasizing about rapid ocean rise washing away the elitists damn, thought i was over that mind set

  30. They need to cut all of the hidden stuff out. not allude to something and then cut it.

    Wills comment about privilege towards the end was a bit wanky.

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