Podcast - Adam Savage Project

Phantom Zoned – Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project – 3/28/17

All three of us are remote this week, dialing in via Phantom Zone technology to catch up and talk about Dave Chapelle, theater, and the upcoming science march. Plus, Will has a book recommendation and Adam buries the lede about his amazing visit to NASA’s Johnson Space Center.

Comments (9)

9 thoughts on “Phantom Zoned – Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project – 3/28/17

  1. I’m getting a kick out of the grey fuzz bar flowing through the “We’re processing this video. Check back later.” screen. Is that natural or a VFX edit? It reminds me of old CRTs.

  2. I tried to get meet and greet tickets, and when I couldn’t i didn’t even bother getting tickets. Savage could make a killing just selling meet and greet opportunities.

  3. Second this, wanted tickets with meet and greet couldn’t get them, so didn’t go for the other seats.

  4. Speaking of theater surviving the end of the world….

    The best I’ve seen of that was in the movie “Reign of Fire”. Post apocolyptic movie about dragons destroying the world. In it there was a small and funny funny scene of a group of survivors watching a small stage production of Empire Strikes Back. Specifically the scene where Darth tells Luke he is his father.

    After seeing that movie and that scene, I would pay good money to see the Star Wars trilogy on stage with LIMITED effects and technology. 🙂

  5. PLEASE don’t cover the “March for Science” on Tested. It’s a thinly veiled political protest march, not a science event. I, for one, hope that Tested can remain a forum for bringing people of different backgrounds together over common interests.

  6. Arrival spoiler talk: The aliens weren’t mad about the bomb because of course they knew it was going to happen, but they also know how much more important their mission is. And Contact spoiler talk: Will said he didn’t like the ending where the alien just turns out to be the dad, but wasn’t it the other way around? It’s just an alien in a dad suit right?

  7. WAIT! What was the BBQ spot in Austin that Adam loved?! I need answers for the next time I visit Austin.

  8. As one of the organizers of the March, I can provide some context that is not an anti rally, but a reaction to a larger trend diminishing the integrity of science and our collective role in supporting R&D. I have been working on the 430+ marches on the world – talking with march leaders and marchers daily. There are many, many conservatives involved in the planning and leadership of marches around the world. Not a majority by any means, but not token involvement either.

    Some of these folks are marching because a 20 percent cut to the NIH will mean they won’t have a job after school. Some are science teachers who are frustrated by state regulations limiting how they teach science in their classrooms. Some are patients whose lives were saved by science advancements. Some just love science and want to show it. These sound like platitudes, but I can attach real names in Tulsa OK, Lyon France, Alexandria, MN, and so many more.

    I’m personally marching because I owe my existence to science. My father was an immigrant to this country, only able to come because of admission to a science graduate program. He grew up in a village and couldn’t even afford the plane ticket to the US {had to get a special grant for that}. In 1961, he was paid $115/month, barely enough to survive, let alone thrive. But the opportunity that the science degree presented gave my family a stable, middle class life. One that led to him starting a business and employing hundreds of people in rural Pennsylvania. There are policies in place that would limit that eliminate that opportunity for millions – limiting access to scientific training and education. I will march to protest those policies, while marching with my dad to honor what science has done for us as a family. If science played a similar role in your life, I hope you’d join me too.

    PS – I’m also a Tested premium member beyond being a contributor – and I hope Tested “covers” the March only to bring the community Adam’s talk – as they have done with Maker Faire and other events.

  9. Congratulations on the success of your Science Marches. At the time of my last post I did not know
    you were so closely involved. I would
    have been more considerate.

    I suppose I also owe my existence to science. My father was a science teacher and
    passionate science communicator. I grew
    up amidst the makings of chemistry and physics experiments and spent weekends tagging
    along on geology field trips or organizing the science lab at the school. My dad really wanted kids to understand what
    happened when you turned on a light switch or started a car engine. I’m trying to pass that on to my son and
    Tested is a really big part of that, so Thanks!

    I’d like to stay positive here so I’ll just leave you with
    this link to an article that expresses my concerns over science becoming politicized.

    For your consideration…


    Thanks again.

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