Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 112 – Good News Everyone! – 3/15/2012

On this week’s episode, Will reveals a secret, Norm has a celebrity encounter, and Gary’s mind is blown. All that, plus the latest on tree lobsters, eBooks and the DOJ, the iOS version of Sparrow, and homeless-powered hotspots! Enjoy!

Comments (83)

83 thoughts on “Episode 112 – Good News Everyone! – 3/15/2012

  1. fish_face_mcgee just replied to your comment:

     As someone who was (and still is) a fan of the Special Edition Star Wars films, I’m actually pleased that the deleted scenes being added for the Blu-Ray will not be inserted into the film(s).

    To view this thread, follow the link below:
    ‘Return of the Jedi’ Deleted scene

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    Notification Preferences


  2. While lots of people may be concerned about Giant Bomb’s future I think we can all agree that Tested came out of this looking like diamonds. Edit: Also now I realize that the avatar I’ve had since first coming here is now 100 times more relevant lol.

  3. The first Whiskey Media podcast after the great cataclysm … this is going to be interesting.

    Congratulations to you guys!

  4. Good News, Everyone! (Except Possibly Matt Rorie)

    Nah, only joking. Good luck with the sweet Mythbusters gig. That’s fucking INCREDIBLE news. I hope too many bearded gingers in glasses don’t spoil the pot…

  5. The sole phrase Will said that scared me for a second was “Tested is their site now,” referring to Adam and Jamie.

  6. He reiterated it later too commenting, “It’s their site now” when stating the site will be relaunched tomorrow with the new design. And he also mentioned toning down the language and all too.

    So it seems as though unlike Giant Bomb, Tested will going through some fairly significant changes in terms of tone and content because they won’t necessarily always be in charge.

  7. He reiterated it later too commenting, “It’s their site now” when stating the site will be relaunched tomorrow with the new design. And he also mentioned toning down the language and all too.

    So it seems as though unlike Giant Bomb, Tested will going through some fairly significant changes in terms of tone and content because they won’t necessarily be in charge.


  8. you know, I’ve never listened to this before because I was all “oh, TECH DISCUSSION. mehhh” but this is actually really great.

    The “tech discussion” is probably my least favorite aspect 🙂

  9. Believe me, we’ve talked to them, gone through all the stuff that’s changing, and we’re excited about it. It’s going to mean making some very small sacrifices for the opportunity to reach a much larger audience. And that’s without considering the amazing opportunity that Norm and I have to learn from Jamie and Adam. They’re both incredibly smart, talented dudes, and I would have killed for the opportunity to work for either of them. We’re really excited about this change. Don’t freak out.

    Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong, I welcome the changes. I’m sure they won’t be that big of a deal.

    I’ve always felt you guys seemed a little stifled trying to limit your focus to technology coverage, given your interests in everything else from general science to coffee to Lego. Sure, all those can be tied to tech in some way but it doesn’t even matter now, it’s all fair game. That’s great.

    And seriously…THE EFFING MYTHBUSTERS, MAN! I’m a huge fan and I know you guys are too. If there’s anything I’m (happily) freaking out over it’s Adam and Jamie coming in. I’m not worried about them possibly taking the reigns with some things. I’ve seen stuff from them outside of MythBusters and they really are like future versions of you and Norm. Similar in tone and personality (with a significantly larger budget, connections, and a huge production crew, of course). They’ll be fine.

    It’s an exciting time. Perhaps made a little bittersweet given the split from GiantBomb, though I know y’all will be working together on things down the line. I’m looking forward to seeing the new Tested tomorrow, and to seeing how the site expands in the future.

    So congrats! I know you all will keep up the great work, and I wish you the best going forward!

  10. After listening to the podcast I’m really stoked. I’ve always loved when the site got more science, maker, etc. So I’m looking forward to it maybe dabbling more in that direction. Looking foward to as Will or Gary said you “stepping up the game” to the challenge. I hope the new site will enable the members a way to contribute going forward too.

  11. Can we just set up a Matthew Rorie fund and donate all of our money to it?

    havent’ listened to the podcast yet, but what happens to rorie!?  

  12. I would never pretend that Apple was the only offender, but don’t rationalize a habit of selfish consumerism by pretending tablet computers are a necessity of life, then trash people who oppose “progress” that comes at the expense of human dignity. Unless you believe Americans reading emails more efficiently will offset the toll on egalitarian prosperity. Traditional books being replaced by gadgets is an example of society collectively deciding to not “buy American” for an extremely minor convenience.

  13. He reiterated it later too commenting, “It’s their site now” when stating the site will be relaunched tomorrow with the new design. And he also mentioned toning down the language and all too.

    So it seems as though unlike Giant Bomb, Tested will going through some fairly significant changes in terms of tone and content because they won’t necessarily always be in charge.

    Believe me, we’ve talked to them, gone through all the stuff that’s changing, and we’re excited about it. It’s going to mean making some very small sacrifices for the opportunity to reach a much larger audience. And that’s without considering the amazing opportunity that Norm and I have to learn from Jamie and Adam. They’re both incredibly smart, talented dudes, and I would have killed for the opportunity to work for either of them. The fact that they like what we’ve done here enough to make it part of their story is amazing and incredibly flattering to Norm and I. We’re really excited about this change. Don’t freak out.


  14. Giant Bomb people are making out great as well. They get the funding they need and get to work with people they have been friends with for years. All of the management responsible for Jeff leaving are gone, so there is nothing but love in the entire office. More funding = More stupid = More fun. Plus, they stated nothing about the site is changing, and with Dave and Drew going with them, they have absolutely no worries…..aside from being away from the tested crew that is.

  15. This may seem like a dumb thing but I really hope they still let you guys curse. I mean This is Only a Test has always been a “fuck fest.” It would feel wrong to not have that.

  16. You guys you should play Wiki Hunt on the iPhone/iPad. It’s amazing! And 5 Steps to Jesus is surprisingly addictive

  17. Here comes some love from Sweden, and I will still be supporting you “In the rain or in the snow!!” ^_^

  18. I trust you guys that, once this transition is over, the positive changes will outweigh the negative changes on Tested. It seems like a fantastic fit, much more immediately obvious than the GB/CV deal.

    Bad – No swearing. Some loss of editorial control. Most importantly, the heartbreaking split from Giant Bomb. (I know you’ll make efforts to still collaborate from time to time, but it can never really be the same without everyone in the same office and under the same banner.)

    Good – Chances for much more sophisticated video production and crazy videos. Further diversification, as in less tech news regurgitation and more turkey frying and Will getting caffeine poisoning at coffee conventions.

    So i trust Will & Norm to make it all work out eventually, but right now i’m still bummed out.

  19. This is probably a useless wish, but it would be nice to see Jamie and Adam on a podcast. Mainly early on to hear what (if any) their ideas for contributing to the site are. Is it going to be video stuff or written articles? If they are written articles are they going to be how to articles, news articles, item reviews or anything and everything.

    Also now that Will and Norm have this access to this huge variety of tools and specialists what projects would you like to do. I think an awesome Amazing Test would be you build battle robots from the ground up and fight them to see who wins. ‘d like to hear more of what you guys are want to be testing, breaking or blowing up.

  20. I can’t even fathom how hard it must have been to keep this under your bonnet. Love you guys, give ’em the JUICE.

  21. What the hell, no will and norm on the logo or in the top image…. this does not bode well.. Hell at least throw them on the right hand side and have their own twitter feeds.

  22. Long time Mythbuster fan! Jamie and Adam have a podcast? Cool!

    EDIT: Wait, who are these guys?

    I kid. Well, kind of… 🙁

  23. Where can I download this podcast? The iTunes feed is broken now and there’s no direct download link on the site.

  24. Hmmmmmmmmmmm…

    I felt sick all day at work and went to the ups store to pick up my ipad and they told me the truck hadn’t delivered it yet and i should come back at noon.


  25. So if you guys are representing Jamie and Adam how will this podcast last? Seems corporate will want to move a podcast off of “Jamie and Adam’s” website because it doesn’t fit anymore. I don’t know exactly what the vision for this site is now, but I assume it’ll get advertised on TV, Mythbuster fans will flood to see Jamie and Adam content, and the last thing corporate will want is to confuse fans with a podcast of a group of guys talking about Nazis and Coffee.

    Speaking on that, if the podcast remains it seems likely to be tightly controlled. The loose talk will be gone, and even then everything will eventually be retrofitted to fit the new theme and vision of selling Jamie and Adam.

    Anyway, hope I’m wrong. I understand if this is all out of Will’s and Norm’s hands, but still hope for the best for you guys.

  26. DO NOT LISTEN to this if you want to go into Mass Effect 3 spoiler-free. Whita references some dialogue that’s at the very end of the game

  27. I hope Will and Norm get the attention they deserve in terms of the effort they have done to build tested in the last 2 years. As a brand you put Jamie and Adam around but I am a but sad not to see Will & Norm up there.

    For tested, to tap into the team behind Mythbusters, maybe see Will & Norm doing Tech Myths with the team in the future and things like that – MASSIVE for the guys. So stoked for them

    I am like a parent though sending their kid off to Uni. I hope they get the attention and recognition they deserve. Love you guys!

    Podcast wise:

    Books & Digital Media..

    Guys were talking about how publishers are scared of people just skipping them and putting their books in digital format directly. This will kill them, they are scared, there is the price fixing stuff coming out etc…

    This is exactly what especially the music industry right now is totall scared of. Megaupload was looking to launch what would be a huge music systm which would properly allow just this very thing. A means to skip these publishing / Media Companies and allow artists very easily to do it themselves and maximise their profits.

    This cutting out of the middle man for media be it books, movies or music is great for us and great for the artists who produce this work. It can mean lower and fair prices and great. Things like kickstarter also allow us to feel we are helping artists produce content for us.

    The issue is that the big companies are these big corparate companies. Time and time again they show they just do not get the current world we live in, media, what things we want and how we want them.

    They react negativly or to slowely to things and you get things like Netflix which is an awesome thing but when it gets big they get greedy. Not only that they do not want to work with them but want to do their own thing so they can maximise their profit.

    This then leaves us needed 20 subscriptions to different things to just watch the content we want and ending up costing us more money etc. You then have regions and country issue where you can get some content but not all of it and that will differ if your somewhere else.

    They are scared because you have the other issue of Piracy. Piracy is bad and a lot of people do it because they are gits who do not want to pay. BUT there are a lot of people who do because they can not wait, or can not get content or afford the stupid pricing or difficulty of getting content. Piracy also does not mean poor quality, in fact it is often easier and better quality to go down this route then the legitamate source. This concept is nuts, it should never be like that but it is true.

    Any form of company which looks to threaten these big companies get jumped on, bought, sued or things like Megaupload takes place with Piracy used as an excuse.

  28. Just getting back to the site from being out due to 4 months of surgery and now, I’m greeted with some what seem to be really awesome changes. However, do I not detect a download button for the podcasts?

  29. In the spirit of teaching a man to fish, here’s how to work out where flash files are pulling resources from with firefox and adblock:

    step one

    step two

    It helps to look for object subrequests.

  30. You are a gentleman and a scholar. Hopefully the RSS situation will be fixed by next week. I really hope they don’t change the podcast logo :(.

  31. Looks like the RSS feed went down. I can’t download to my phone anymore for listening on the go…

    Can we get a new feed?

  32. Glad to hear that the Tested guys are moving on up in the world. Sad to see the Whiskey Media family breaking up, but such is life. Hopefully Giantbomb fairs as well as Tested.

    I was thinking the exact opposite to you. You should check out the new Bombcast, that think is going to be excellent once they go full video!

  33. So what does my Whiskey Media paid account get me anymore. What a ponzi scheme! Just kiding but serious no more tested sunna suit on happyhour 🙁

  34. So what does my Whiskey Media paid account get me anymore. What a ponzi scheme! Just kiding but serious no more tested sunna suit on happyhour 🙁

    Will and Norm have repeatedly said they’d love to pop in for the Giantbomb Live stuff like TNT and Happy Hour when they can, and may do some Happy Hour stuff themselves.

  35. I got that problem too. Suddenly, listening to Tested on mobile devices just got whole lot more interesting! Will, Norm, you are our only hope! Please fix the rss feed re-direct problem!

  36. It’s now Friday on the east coast. I was about to step out for something horrible to eat before bed, though of Tested to keep my ears occupied, started up Foobar2000, remembered RSS is still busted, came here… and no new podcast? 🙁

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