Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 188 – Coconut Water – 10/10/2013

This week, Will, Norm, and special guest Loyd Case discuss the Samsung Galaxy Gear, Nest’s new smoke detector, AMD’s new API, puffing guns, and HP’s latest hardware. Oh, we also announce the date for OCTOBERKAST 2013. Enjoy!

Comments (23)

23 thoughts on “Episode 188 – Coconut Water – 10/10/2013

  1. You guys need show notes, anyone have a link to the article on the tech used in gravity?

    also link to the plasma blowing up?

  2. I just got a galaxy note 3, and I really haven’t had any issues with this 5.7in phone. I expected an adjustment period but I haven’t noticed a difference from my S3.

  3. Re charity. Sounds like a direct response to dick wolves even if they didn’t own up to it.

    Re catheter – google “stadium pal”. You’re welcome.

  4. Can you guys maybe tap into your google glass during octobercast and we can see the tested office via your point of view if you get up and walk around or just in general. I know people are curious about the office. We know weather it is exciting or nort…

  5. Re charity. Sounds like a direct response to dick wolves even if they didn’t own up to it.

    It could be, but personally I’m going to stop giving to Child’s Play because my experience with it was so positive. It was great, I feel that every dollar I gave through them was well spent. I feel good for doing it, and assume many children got to enjoy themselves. And because of that, I feel I can do better. After several years of giving to Child’s Play, I find myself thinking about how my money can do the most good. And I feel that as great as making sick kids happier is, for example saving a sick kid’s life is better. So I personally am going to find a different charity to get behind.

  6. Charity suggestion: Sanctuary for Kids. Started by Stargate actress Amanda Tapping and a couple others, S4K is a small organization that has teamed up with a few other charities around the world to help kids. Tons of info on their site about what they do, and what they’ve accomplished so far.

    Their donations are only through paypal though, as far as I know. Dunno if that’s a deal breaker for you guys.

    They have a basic contact email thing on their site. But also if you’re interested in this charity and have any questions, I am (coincidentally) friends with someone that works at GABIT, a group of people that helps with S4K’s fundraising. That might be helpful and I can give you their contact info if you wish.

  7. re:charity ideas

    Here is an idea that has international impact and has low overhead. I heard Doc Hendley, founder of Wine to Water, speak at a conference a few years ago and was impressed with the story of why and how he got involved. Here are the basics of this charity:

    • Provide clean drinking water to as many people as possible.
    • Use low cost high impact solutions.
    • A filter system that can create over 200 gallons of drinking water a day for only $65.
    • Dig a well in Cambodia for $500.

    You can read about Doc and get links to credible articles through Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doc_Hendley

  8. I’d like to recommend a charity that rescues children that have been sold into slavery in Ghana, Africa. They go into small villages and teach their owners how to more efficiently fish and not have to rely on children. Once the children are rescued, they’re brought into a real family again. It’s called Mercy Project, and run by a guy named Chris Fields.

    If you’re interested in more information, the website is http://mercyproject.net/.

  9. I think it’d be kind of awesome to see one of you guys attempt the Combat Fitness Test that the Marine Corps does. Drop the fireman carry and just replace that with dragging a dude around and I think it’d be entertaining! I think donations of X for every 10 seconds over 3:45 that it takes to complete it would be a good way to take donations.


    It’s a brutal test. I tried it once at a poolee meeting and it fucking kicked my ass. Those 60 pounds work FAST. Shouldn’t have much long lasting effects assuming no one falls on their face or ass.

    Unlikely, but hey, I figured it’d be worth trying.

    I’d love to see some money go to a military charity, so I’ll throw that suggestion in there. Probably won’t be the most popular considering the desire for a more international charity and I also doubt there’s a lot of serious support for the troops on the site, but a few of the better rated military charities can be found on this page:


  10. When you upgrade to Windows 8.1 make sure that your 3d printer is compatible if you plan to use it right away. Turns out the drivers for my Printrbot wont install on 8.1 manufacturer release so my new CAD machine wont let me print… Luckily I still have a mac that works fine but if you are looking forward to the 3d printing features (which look useless anyway) you may have to wait a little while for updates.

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