Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 275 – And We’re Back – 10/23/2014

This Is Only a Test returns after a brief hiatus with talk about Google’s new phones, Apple’s new iPads, the gang’s questions with the 5K iMac, and a whole lot more. Enjoy.

Comments (25)

25 thoughts on “Episode 275 – And We’re Back – 10/23/2014

  1. This is great…..particularly since i have something to do for the next 2 hours….good to hear this podcast back again

  2. thank goodness. it’s been a long wait. but a wait that was also filled with great content (e.g. dads & smiths)

  3. It feels really weird to be listening to this not only in the morning but while I’m still at work. Much joy!

  4. Interesting thoughts about the Sigma… I’ve always considered them a crappy 2nd tier manufacturer (up their with Tamron) but maybe they’ve turned it around.

  5. 0:02:30 new podcasts

    0:05:20 comic con

    0:06:50 yotel(interesting)

    0:16:50 news

    0:16:50 ipads

    0:21:10 ipad air 2

    0:33:00 new imac

    0:42:00 no nfc

    0:42:00 yosemite family sharing

    0:46:10 elon musk

    0:55:10 spotlight privacy

    0:58:00 google nexus

    1:03:40 google inbox

    1:05:00 hendo hoverboard

    1:08:20 skunkworks fusion

    1:12:10 htc camera

    1:12:10 moto x

    1:18:10 glyph

    1:20:00 apple pay

    1:21:00 we’ve been testing

    1:21:40 sigma

    1:22:40 mouse

    1:22:40 questions

  6. For syncing giant amounts of folders, I use Bittorrent Sync. It’s great for keeping my PC and my HTPC synced with hundreds of GBs of movie rips for $0.

    And, yes, it does sync without uploading the files to a cloud server. The downside is that the two computers syncing have to be both on at the same time (obviously), so I need to make sure to boot both at the same time every once in a while to sync and it’s not good for grabbing files on your phone/tablet on the go (if you are the type of person shuts their computers down).

    Basically, sharing to a phone or files I want to use on the go: Dropbox and OneDrive. Syncing two giant folders between two local PCs: Bittorrent Sync.

  7. There is so much incorrect information out there for Apple pay. Basically, it’s this. If the merchant has NFC, Apple Pay & Google wallet works fine. Both are a part of the EMV NFC standard.

    Anywhere where you see this logo:

    You will be able to do contactless pay on BOTH Apple Pay and Google Wallet.

    Both Apple and Google have done a very poor job of communicating this to the public and part of the reason why it’s not used enough in the US.

  8. Did we say something incorrect about Apple Pay? I don’t recall. Just an addendum to your notes… I don’t know how Google Wallet works, but in the case of Apple Pay your bank does need to support it. One of my banks does, but another doesn’t, so I wasn’t able to add all of my credit cards. So you might encounter that logo and still not be able to use it.

  9. The previous generation (thin) iMacs certainly support being used as a monitor over thunderbolt. As far as I understand there’s a backwards compatibility issue between the older displayport ‘target display mode’ and the newer thunderbolt version, but I have a this-year MacBook Air and an iMac on my desk at work and it works just fine.

    You can also mount the disk in the iMac onto the laptop over the same cable. (“target disk mode”)

    You are correct that the new 5K iMacs won’t support this feature, though I’d expect it to reappear next year with Thunderbolt 3.

  10. Did we say something incorrect about Apple Pay? I don’t recall. Just an addendum to your notes… I don’t know how Google Wallet works, but in the case of Apple Pay your bank does need to support it. One of my banks does, but another doesn’t, so I wasn’t able to add all of my credit cards. So you might encounter that logo and still not be able to use it.

    I’m referring to the point of purchase, not which banks support what. Both Google Wallet and Apple Pay are a part of the EMV standard. That means, if you are at a gas station – for example – and you see:


    You’ll be able to use your iPhone 6 plus/Note 4/etc. It doesn’t have to have the “Apple Pay” logo (for example).

  11. Mr Will Smith..

    When your the Dad you never call it ‘Baby sitting’ its called being a Dad…

    good content this time..even if you did sound all a little high when reeling of the Ipad models 😉

    Sigma’s new boss has brought them on par with some of Canon or Nikons lenses..50mmF1.4 art lens is just plain amazing..

  12. Ok, something I have been wondering for a while. Why is there not an upgrade kit for any of the wood maker bots or printrbots to make a larger print volume? I have never used a 3D printer but to me it seems like it would not be a big deal to add a larger area table, add longer arms, rods and ribbons then change some settings in the software. Maybe throw in some wire extensions into the kit.

    I was just thinking when you built the printr bot. That would be easy to extend to a larger volume since everything is out in the open and is just mounted on arms. I can see the maker bot being more difficult to upgrade as it’s enclosed.

    Maybe there are and I have just never noticed or they tried a while back before I was even moderately interested and it wasn’t worth their time to offer upgrades.

  13. Kinda funny/sad how around 1:11:00 when Will talks about misuse of helium killing the earth, Norm sounds absent and says “the age of ultron trailer just leaked so..”, so better things to do now than caring for earth. 🙂

    Actually got somewhat annoyed at that one episode of Mythbusters where they tested if a kid could fly with enough balloons. That was a waste of helium.

    Then again, it’s hard as one ordinary person to know exactly how to relate meaningfully to the use of natural resources, the numbers are so way out of our ability to comprehend. Some people actually think they’re doing their part not using one plastic bag in the store while they drive there in a car and pump many kilos of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    There should really be some kind of easily understandable list of the problems we have with our environment, an X-Prize kind of thing for solving some of them, tv shows where contestants come up with silly solutions to some issue.. all of that might inspire us to at least think about real problems and not just sit around feeling uneasy about one black box labeled Environment.

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