Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 324 – Dear Pastrami Reuben – 10/29/2015

We’re joined this week by Veronica Belmont and Jeremy Williams to discuss what’s new in technology news, the recent Tested live show, Alcatraz, and Soylent! Drink your pre-mixed bottle of This is Only a Test now!

Comments (22)

22 thoughts on “Episode 324 – Dear Pastrami Reuben – 10/29/2015

  1. Hang on…. at south-by-southwest there was going to be a ‘pro gamergate’ panel???


    What on earth is the argument to defend harassing people for having boobs and being better at tour of duty?

  2. Loved the podcast this week, but is there seemed to be a lot of room noise on the audio this time. Made it less pleasant than usual to listen to. Check it out for next time?!

  3. There is SOOOO much mis-understanding around this meat story.

    The WHO-IARC put processed meats on the same level as Asbestos, Tobacco, Alcohol based on the AMOUNT of evidence proving that there is a LINK between processed meats and colorectal cancer.

    There is approximately 50 in 100,000 incidence rate for colorectal cancer (for canadians). By eating processed meats (50g or 2oz PER DAY (2 slices of bacon)), you put yourself at an 18% increased risk. So approximately 59 in 100,000. Also, in the same category as Tobacco, Alcohol, Asbestos, Processed Meats, is…. wait for it….. WOOD DUST.

    Veronica Belmont: Smoked salmon, salted fish (chinese style) etc. also fall into this category. Sorry, you’re not excluded from this report.


    Other things on the this: Oral contraceptives, pollution, painting and MORE!!

  4. Enjoyed
    your podcast today, Veronica is a great addition and Jeremy is always great to
    listen to. Norm’s knowledge is
    outstanding and he is great to have on the panel but … I wish he would remove
    some of the “ums” and “ahs” from his speech.

  5. not really but there was going to be a panel hosted by people that are pro-gamergate the panel was atleast according to them not actually about gamergate.

  6. That is a good one, Jeremy!

    I recently saw a similar full, double rainbow, although compounded by a sundown. It was amazing. My friend took the panorama below, all the way across the sky. 🙂

  7. Which is why my woodworker friends and I are so obsessed about proper masks and dust collection.

    Also, in the same category as Tobacco, Alcohol, Asbestos, Processed Meats, is…. wait for it….. WOOD DUST.

  8. Cool chat. Unfortunate talk about 23andMe.. they claimed genetic links but not enough info exists to make those claims, especially when they claim not to be research. They worked with Illumina at first, to have them test the DNA. Basically a pair of rich wives pretending to understand genetics… Tintype sounds like a place make some time to stop while in SF.

  9. big shoutout to for quake! still in a class of its own.

    also, i share norm’s meh-ish tone re the new doom. i heard all the talk what they want it to be before i saw any pictures & video of it, and all my general well-meaning for making something in the actual old school mold of doom quickly gave way to a big meh. it just looks like everything else on the market.

  10. You can totally get uncured, but still smoked bacon! Trader Joes sells it, and Aldi used to. I actually prefer it to traditionally cured bacon. Also, pancetta is basically Italian bacon that is salt cured and not smoked, and available most grocery stores. Yay meat!

  11. Add me to the people disappointed by the meat story talk on the show. People read one headline and decide the whole story from that.

    Otherwise a good show and Veronica was great as usual!

  12. For quite some time now I have been on the cusp to write and ask when Veronica will be back on the show, and here she is, wohoo ! 🙂

    For a moment it sounded like the show was coming to an end without her sharing some book tips, but fortunately there were som book talk, even if there were no strong recommendations this time.

    Please get her back in a Little while and hopefully there will be more book talk then 🙂

    Otherwise, this was a really nice episode to listen to. Norm is crazy knowledgeable about, well almost anything.. Veronica is a good speaker and bring a very nice and positive energy to the show and of course Jeremy is a stable pillar in the podcast by now.

    Another plus with this episode is that is was about the right amount of apple talk (I’m in that one percent that use Windows Phone with my Lumia 930 🙂


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