Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 339 – Beware the Spoiler Cake – 2/18/16

Apple takes a stand against the government, Mattel announces a 3D printer for kids, and Google dumps yet another beloved application. We’re joined in the studio this week by our Kishore and Frank to chat about this week’s technology news, the wild success of Deadpool, and pirating academic journals. That, and TV Quest 2016!

Comments (32)

32 thoughts on “Episode 339 – Beware the Spoiler Cake – 2/18/16

  1. Somebody mentioned this a while back, but I’m also finding this episode on the quiet side, just a few percent bump on the volume would be helpful in the future.

  2. Yeah I can’t hear this episode at all. Can you guys please bump up the youtube video volume settings. I can always turn it down but there is only so much I can turn it up.

  3. I have been finding the same thing. The “just audio” player on the side works great but video is like I am deaf.

  4. In re the Mattel 3d printer- Don’t forget that this is the same company that marketed the vac-u-form to kids back in the sixties.

  5. I’m finding the recording gain to be low as well, I couldn’t even hear Frank tearing the tape. More Blue Tape art Frank! Don’t let the Norm get you down!

  6. I miss action figures from the 80’s and early 90’s. It is impossible to find toys that can match the quality of a 1980’s GI Joe action figure for my kids.

  7. I’ve got your back Frank. I’m not the biggest computer guy either and I just use portable hard drives for all my backup. Might not be the ideal way to do things but it’s simple and it works for me.

  8. Frank makes a great straight man, for lack of a better term. Good job of mixing it up, a la Gary back in the day.

  9. mophie is my to go case too. Seriously, the spacepack combine all my need to get the best of my poor storage 16gb phone

  10. As long as you can take at least one off site, or even outside your house. Would suck for the house/apartment to burn down and lose all the drives as well.

  11. can you please turn your tv quest into a premium series? Go to stores, going on line, talking about all the things that matter, etc. etc. make it a series of episodes.

  12. A friend has a projector that is moved around for movie nights, in warm weather we project on his garage door. Future plan this year is to get a screen set up over the door, bed sheets or something with a frame. In the cold months we have been testing bed sheets inside the house, we are doing this on the cheap. There is no clear wall to project on. We have fun messing with it.

    Thanks for the episode.

  13. Couldn’t be bothered to play more new “Moment of Science” intro’s (and pretty much making clear you didn’t like the one you played), and jumping on playing both of your own segment’s intro’s without even really giving Frank the chance to answer the question if he wanted to hear the other one is just a D-move Norm… a D-move…


  14. Wow, did not expect my hometown of Southampton, Hampshire, UK would be mentioned in this podcast :o) I will have to take a longer look at the Optoelectronics Reaserch Centre who did the development using femtosecond laser writing (whatever that means)…

  15. RE Rotoscoping was Frank talking about Ralph Bakshi and his immortal version of Lord of the Rings which was animated over rotoscoped people?

    It also reminds me of the old PC game “Prince of Persia” from the 1990s. But that was rotoscoped from a human by animators doing many many hours of work.

    The live aspect reminds me a little bit of “Cita” from BET (it was weird, but it was also advanced for its day).

    But after thinking about what Kishore was saying… it will be really interesting to see how you can make a 2d cartoon look like a 2d cartoon, when it’s based on the movements of a 3d person. It seems weird. Because 2d cartoons do not move like people, they dont even move like physical objects.

    It almost reminds me of some kind of old school puppeteering ….a quick yahoo search has reminded me this is called Chinese Shadow Puppetry. Basically the audience sits in front of a giant screen. The puppeteers have long sticks, and on the end of the sticks, are 2-dimensional paper-like puppets. By placing them directly against the screen, and using the proper lighting, they became characters, animated by the puppeteers to tell a story. But that was puppeteering not direct mocap. (Yeah i feel like i just badly explained something to people who know it better but… it is the closest thing I can imagine to what it would be like to animate a 2d cartoon-character in realtime)

  16. I agree with everyone else. Pump up the volume. I use a laptop, the volume only goes up so far.

    RE: The Mattel 3D printer- I’m absolutely positive they are going to make it like every other company is trying. You’ll only be able to use their spools of filament with pre programmed chips in them, and you’ll probably only be able to print the G-codes (not the actual 3D model) they sell from their online store, which are very specific to their own 3D printer and not for others. Very much like the Makerbot Digital Store.

    I play “Tapped Out” and “The Quest for Stuff” as well. Thankfully, The Simpsons has now updated the game to make it easier to get more “free” donuts. I absolutely won’t pay for them either.

  17. Is it just me? Volume is so low level and so much hissing noise I feel a need of Dolby C like in C-cassettes. 🙂

  18. Time to have Frank talk to Patrick Norton. 3-2-1 rule. 3 different backups on 2 different media, at least one of which is stored offsite. If nothing else, Patrick has drilled that into my head. 🙂

  19. This is the first podcast I’ve seen without Will, and I really have to say he was holding Norm back. I love Will but damn Norm has really opened up here. I like it.

  20. I’m not sure about Back Blaze but Crash Plan will send you a drive for your initial backup so you don’t have to do it all over the internet. That way you are only during incremental backups through a network.

  21. I absolutely agree with Frank’s assessment of the Daredevil mask. He looks like an idiot. Maybe it’s that it comes up too high and shows too much of his nose? I agree with the forehead being too low. Whatever the case, it is a really stupid mask. The only defense I could come up with is, hey, the guy is blind after all. It’s not like he would be the most fashion/design savvy superhero on the block. I had hoped they’d fix it in between season 1 and season 2. I hoped in vain.

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