Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 24 – Tested vs. Unsexy News Week – 08/19/2010

This week Norm, Will, and Ana tackle the unsexiest news week so far this year, tackling Facebook Places, Intel buying McAfee, and a whole bunch of reader questions on this week’s unsexy episode of This is Only a Test.

Comments (30)

30 thoughts on “Episode 24 – Tested vs. Unsexy News Week – 08/19/2010

  1. Fantastic Will! 
    I hope your days have been better.  I’ll send in some audio or video questions if it’ll make you feel better.

  2. I reinstall Windows every two weeks. My hard drive is partitioned so that it holds an image of a base install of Windows with basic applications installed. With this method, my computer is always fast feeling, I don’t spend more than 30 minutes reinstalling, and whenever a site offers a thirty day free trial on their application, I never have to pay!   

  3. I don’t think Hotmail gets enough credit, they just went through another hefty UI overhaul and it’s pretty peachy. Aesthetically I prefer it over Yahoo and the Office Live integration is ridiculously useful as a college kid. Then again it might just be some of my spite against what Google did to Writely after they acquired them.
    Also, yay for special guest.

  4. Yay! Ana
    President of the AHR Fanclub approves! (I am seriously not a creep, this is an ongoing joke since Ana was in the AnimeVice’s podcasts BTW)
    Ana now you only need to make an appearance on Behind the Screened Door and BombCast to be the Whiskey Media podcast omnipresent Staff member! 😛
    BTW Thanks to Will and Norm for pronouncing Mexico the correct way!
    Great podcast guys… and I can’t wait to hear Ana’s new “soundtrack”!

  5. Great to hear Ana and I think she needs to be on more often, she did a great job flappin’ gums with you two mooks!

  6. The anti-Englishness from you three has been noted. You will all be crushed like the American bugs you are. Color is wrong, Colour is right! *insert more USA spelling related insults here*
    But yeah, Ana in weekly podcasts would be very welcome thanks.

  7. Kudos to Ana, she did the best (albeit brief) English accent i’ve ever heard on a Whiskey Media podcast. 
    someone needs to gag ryan to stop him trying to rip off my accent, it makes my ears bleed.

  8. In response to the music production question – There are tons of interfaces out there and it all comes down to what your needs are.  Are you tracking full bands or are you just going to be doing electronic stuff?  Def do your research as you can easily get in over your head.  Expect to spend at least 150-250 for a barebones audio interface with a few inputs and midi in/out.
    In terms of usb vs firewire, firewire is preferred by most because the throughput remains constant due to firewire having a dedicated chipset.  usb shares resources with the rest of the system which means the data exchange speed is inconsistent.  Typically usb interfaces have a higher latency which can cause pretty big issues while you’re tracking.  You definately don’t want to be recording to a usb hard drive because of throughput data issues.  This is the exact reason why firewire is the video standard as Ana mentioned.. 

  9. ” Kudos to Ana, she did the best (albeit brief) English accent i’ve ever heard on a Whiskey Media podcast. 

    this is the best compliment i have ever received.  me and my ‘merican friends spent a lot of time in elementary through high school doing monty python and young ones routines in full accent.
    that seemed less embarrassing before i typed it out.

  10. Damn right you are. Actually that would explain your first name and thus your unfortunate name sharing with the Hollywood guy. Unless your father picked Will as your first name or your name is also short for Willard and not William as I have assumed. I hope not, that would just be cruel.

    ” Kudos to Ana, she did the best (albeit brief) English accent i’ve ever heard on a Whiskey Media podcast. 

    this is the best compliment i have ever received.  me and my ‘merican friends spent a lot of time in elementary through high school doing monty python and young ones routines in full accent.  that seemed less embarrassing before i typed it out. “

    No sentence involving Monty Python is ever embarrassing.


     We have had a legitimate Englishman on the podcast before, you know… “

    Gary has abandonned blighty! He’s a dirty colonial!

  12. ” Kudos to Ana, she did the best (albeit brief) English accent i’ve ever heard on a Whiskey Media podcast. 

    this is the best compliment i have ever received.  me and my ‘merican friends spent a lot of time in elementary through high school doing monty python and young ones routines in full accent.  that seemed less embarrassing before i typed it out. “

    Hey it could be worse! Having grown up and made a lot of ‘merican friends online i’ve come to realise how bad my ignorant english friend’s American accents are.  
    YAY for Anglo-American relations! =D 
    BTW you’re awesome, on the TF2 server, recording whiskey’s insane crap or on the Tested Podcast! Yay for Ana! Whiskey’s unsung hero! ^_^

  13. And another English poster here.  School, college and university on this side of the pond in a nutshell:  
    School is compulsory education.  Ends at 16 years of age.  University is higher education, people generally start it at 18 or 19 years of age and get their degree (or whatever qualification they are going for.)  College is further education. It’s the gap between school ending at 16 and university starting at 18 or 19.  People either get the grades they need to enter university, or do some kind of vocational course at college.  Colleges tend to be local to peoples schools, people do not move half way across the country to go to college, they probably will to go to uni.  
    Oh, and Gary is a Spurs fan isnt he? 

  14. I still have a hotmail account, but it’s windows live now, so there! I don’t care either way, by the way.
    EDIT: Ok so it’s still hotmail. Whatevs.

  15.  All I understood there was colonial. “

    Would you adam and eve it?! Use your crust Will before i go to town on your jacobs.

  16. Ana was good on the show.  Hopefully we can hear more from her.  I do think that the show benefits from a trio.   
    Anyway, fun fact.  While listening to the show today an english guy came in and bought a anklet for his wife from me. 

  17. You use firewire for music. Most of the hardcore audio interfaces use firewire. So you WILL need firewire. You can get usb interfaces, but if you want to be able to pick between a lot of the good ones, you’ll need firewire. MB pro has firewire 800, but you can get 800>400 adapters. (lots of firewire interfaces are 400, like the Fireface and whatnot) 
    But hey, go to a forum related to Logic for good tips about “what  should I buy”. Always a sticky thread.

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