Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 43 – The SARS Mask Cast – 12/30/2010

This week, the gang talks about their holidays, their favorite technologies of the year, and the biggest stories in tech for 2010. All that, plus fake outtakes, CES preparations, Norm and Gary’s gambling problem, and a live unboxing of something kind of awesome on this week’s episode of This is Only a Test. Enjoy!

Comments (28)

28 thoughts on “Episode 43 – The SARS Mask Cast – 12/30/2010

  1. New Podcast before the new years?!?!?!  You’re blowing my mind with this
    Edit:  LG actually stands just for LG apparently.  A representative of theirs came in and gave us that factoid at work.  Then again, that was maybe 1-2 years ago and with the fast paced world of branding who knows.    

  2. d000d i can’t believe you cut out my epic joke at the end when someone was talking about how the podcasts go long when Gary is here, and you were like “It always gets twice as long when you’re around!” and i was like:

  3. Woh. The podcast ended abruptly there. Anywho, I’m looking forward to your CES coverage.  Funny how passive 3D was talked about on the show, because LG just announced they will be showing their new passive 3D HDTV at CES. Hope you guys get some hands-on with it (and by the way, LG did stand for Lucky Goldstar. The two Korean companies merged. Now LG officially doesn’t stand for anything, like AT&T). 
    And poor Chloe. Maybe the other dog didn’t like Chloe’s review of the iPad. Was the other dog British?
    Oh, and that has to be the cutest Nixon impression I’ve ever heard. Tested is much better when it has a WANG. Huh, what?

  4. To be fair it only snowed in Charlotte on Christmas and that Sunday and then on Monday it was in the high 50s so everything melted. We didn’t get blanketed like the North did. 
    On the gray/grey thing, in the US we only use the ‘e’ for a surname, like Jean’s. The one I always misspell is speech. I want to put an ‘a’ in there because I feel funny about double ‘e’s. Especially when you have speak with the ‘a’ in it.
    And my favorite present I got for Christmas was a humidifier because I have been so dry this winter.I was waking up with a dehydration headache.

  5. Thanks for another podcast!
    please do some kind of review of the CR-48 even though you think it may be silly.  
    I look forward to your coverage of CES! 
    BTW the WANG kicks ass! Tested did great in 2010 I look forward to a great 2011! 
    Edit: I guess I am not the only one that thinks so, see comment!

  6.  LOL. Awesome. I and the Kanye, the talented jerk, thank you. Here’s hoping 2011 brings more Kanye West jackassery. That, and more catchy tunes about attempted rape.

  7. so none of the tested crew have heard of carcassonne before that makes me sad as I’ve been playing the real game for maybe 9 years with my family most times I see them it is by far best irl but if you can’t be there I’d have to go with the xbox live version as it’s party system is epic, being able to touch tiles around is gimicky as shit and as with almost every iphone/ipad game is not really good because it is on it game dev story should have been a pc game more people would have played it and the controls would have been better and maybe there wouldn’t have been a name length limit.  
    Seams to me iphone games are all about compromising a game into apples box rather than using the systems advantages, also the fact you need a mac to be able to make stuff is fucking jacked as shit as well as needing a licence, the software world needs to be going towards openness rather than this walled garden bullshit

  8. I have played in on an iPad a few times but if I was with people I would prefer to play the real game, scoring isn’t hard it kinda depresses me that people are so lazy that they need a computer to count for them now, also they wouldn’t be able to add all the expatiations too it as there is stacking and caterpulting involved in some of them and unless they add a full physics engine to it you won’t be able to do it right

  9. Something interesting about Bill Gates and the nightmare pitch meeting: 
    Microsoft employees go through (or used to go through) a training program called “Precision Questioning”.  It’s developed by a company called Vervago, and the purpose is to teach people how to ask and react to extremely direct questions in order to make communication and problem-solving as efficient as possible.  I don’t know if Bill himself has taken the course but he definitely approved it, if only to teach his employees how to deal with his style.  PQ is threatening to the uninitiated, which seems fair because it’s the tool of a ruthless meritocracy.

  10. i heard one of their interview questions is “why are manhole covers round?” “

    Because other shapes can be turned in such a way that they can fall into the hole.

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