Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 49 – The REAL Problem with Dyson Spheres – 1/20/2011

This week, the gang talks about the future of Apple, the iPad 2, HP’s WebOS tablets, price and date for the Nintendo 3DS, the saga of the Samsung Galaxy S phones, and exciting news about Google Voice. All that, plus fake outtakes on this week’s episode.

Comments (32)

32 thoughts on “Episode 49 – The REAL Problem with Dyson Spheres – 1/20/2011

  1. HypoXenophobia just replied to your comment:

    I just watched a video of CS Promod, having never never played CS before and only hearing stories, man those people are ruthless.
    So I was thinking, maybe next Friday try and set up the first community game night, but it seems people have a scatter shot array of games. Would this be easily settled with a poll?

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  2. Yes!! A sliders reference!?  you guys rock haha. 
    EDIT:  I agree with on the use of relativity for time travel 🙂

  3. Hrm interesting thought about the next iPad … Do I go for the new model or do I *wait* for the super revised version that will eventually come… At that logic though I’ll never get one because the *next* one is going to be so much better.

  4. Also; woo my question made it in. Considering the audio was generated through the OSX ‘say’ command, I spent waaaaay to much mixing the channels in Audacity. It doesn’t come across in the podcast but if you have headphones on it’s pretty crazy sounding.

  5. Thinner and lighter iPad = I’m in. It could have a retina display, but if it isn’t the former two things, I’m out. 
    The idea of the “big upgrade”, while tempting, is simply a fact surrounding technology upgrades. There will always be a bigger and better thing next year. The idea is that you buy now based on your needs (or, more accurately, your wants) and accept the pace of technology is what it is.

  6. Yeah I’m loving the science talk, I suggest we have a formal section in the podcast just for this stuff! It’s great.

  7. I might have missed you mentioning it, but when you were talking about Halo being a ring around the sun, you were describing Larry Niven’s Ringworld.

  8. If they refresh the iPad 1 with a front facing camera at a lower price and push the limits with an iPad 2 I think they’d hit the best of both worlds.  They’d get the budget people and get those who want the newest of the new.  I still don’t think they can hit that resolution on a screen that small for a cost that’s in this realm of reality.  If it turns out they can do that, I’m going to be expecting a lot higher resolutions out of my desktop monitors. 
    I’m a 2nd gen purchaser for Apple products.  I think we’ll get the 2nd gen one this year.  I’ll probably give it to my wife for our anniversary and I’ll buy the 3rd gen next year for myself.  I bought her a macbook pro in 09 and as soon as she saw the iPad she’s been wanting that instead ever since. 
    Oh and for next weeks science discussion there’s a reading requirement, Permutation City by Greg Egan.

  9. I actually thought the Playbook looked promising. It was certainly my product of the show at CES. Seeing it in person certainly solidified that. That being said, I am way more interested in the HP-Palm tablets. The Playbook OS is reminiscent of Web OS but not as well realized. I have never been into the idea of the IPad because it is just a giant IPod touch. I have nothing against Apple it’s just that most of their products are not conducive to the way I like to do things or what I want out of a product. They make amazingly well built, well realized products but they just don’t appeal to me.

  10. The problem with warp drives is that they assume that the actual warping is instantaneous. Space does warp naturally from gravity, but the warping speed is still limited by relativity. If the sun suddenly vanished from existence, just like with the light, it would take 8 minutes for the gravity well to disappear and for the Earth to shoot off along a tangent line of its orbit. 
    If a Star Trek vessel wanted to warp to a star 20 light-years away, the fastest speed that space could be warped is the speed of light, so it would still take at least 20 years to get there.

  11.  Well I don’t know why yosh is so angry about your segment. I do find myself lost sometimes when you guys are talking about games, but it makes sense since you aren’t only gaming dudes. However, Since you want criticism with constructive feedback you shall have it! (In mostly chronological order, except for recurring arguments) 

    • Gary’s argument that the “3D being the main selling point is bad” because the 3D might be bust. Nothing exactly bad about this per se, but it sort of ignores the fact that the 3DS isn’t just about it being 3D. It’s a more powerful system overall, so there are more selling points than just the 3D.
    • Recurring Argument about $250 price point. While it’s unusual compared to the DS, it is the same price the PSP was launched at. Yes the economy has changed since then, but it’s not as unusual as you make it out to be.
    • Gary mentioned concern over turning off 3D on games designed for 3D. From trailers it seems games can detect if 3D is turned on and adjust accordingly. Games that have specific 3D features appear to take this into account (See Street Fighter IV trailer). 
    • Will mentioned that he thought a “super duper slim” version of the 3DS would be out in 6-9 mo. The time between DS and DS Lite was about 2 years, and there doesn’t seem to be any indications the wait between a 3DS and a 3DS Lite will be any shorter. (To be fair a lot of people seem to be getting this idea that it will be a year, but I have no idea where from)
    • Will’s comment on no first party titles missed that Paper Mario (a new one), Animal Crossing (a new one), Kid Icarus, Mario Kart, Nintendogs + cats, Star Fox 64, and Steel Driver were announced (although he did mention Pilotwings Resort and the remake of OOT)
    • This is the most opinion based criticism, the recurring idea that the ipad/iphone market is going to gouge into the 3DS/DS market. They are two pretty different markets. The iPad/iPhone is much much larger but much more fickle. It’s not clear what makes a game sell gang busters on that market and so its much riskier to develop larger budget games on them. The 3DS/DS market is a lot more stable (typically you only but a 3DS if you are a gamer) and a lot more predictable. Yes the iPad market is getting more complicated things on them (like Infinity Blade), but I haven’t seen anything that really indicates that those games will do well on that market (Infinity Blade did fine but that could have just been “coolness” buys). Sure the iPad/iPhone might take some away from the 3DS markets but not in the drastic numbers that norm/gary seem to believe. (Will was pretty level headed on this).

    Whew, thats a long post. Anyways, Love the podcast. 
    EDIT: Not gonna go through the space travel chat, too much stuff. However This applies to both the star trek writers and you XD.

  12. Well, yeah, he’s kind of an asshole. “

    Actually, I think it’s Will who admits that. Gary’s just Gary. He was actually pretty tame this week compared to how he usually is. No rants. No offensive quips. How un-Whitta.
    And I think the biggest news story by far is Jobs taking medical leave. Maybe it’s a cult of personality, but I find it hard to separate Steve Jobs from Apple. I really do believe they’re not going to release an iPad 2 until Steve Jobs can stand on that stage again. Good thing I don’t have any Apple stock. I would be worried sick if I did. 
    Computer  consciousness . Never going to happen. There, I said it. That’s right, I said it. You have a problem with that?

  13. Isn’t it time for us to.figure out how space is folded and learn to travel in any of.the other 8 dimensions. I always figure it would be the equivalent of a 3d entity moving through a folded paper while the poor sucker stuck in 2d space have to travel along the paper.

  14. The ruby skies scene was so awesome. I remember when it came up in the theater I got goosebumps(mostly because I love the song).  It translated extremely well to the Blu-Ray.  Some people don’t understand the importance of a good sound setup.

  15. I have a major issue with Garry saying that the iPad was something brand new. It is a SCALED UP iOS device. That’s a simple fact, and most everyone on the site seems to have said that at some point in time. The reason I don’t have one is because it is a big iPod touch. Had they created a totally separate experience, sure, it would have been an invention of a new device. But he just took the iPod and mashed it into a 90’s trend. The OS and function is too similar to other iOS devices to call it unique. Its bigger, sure. But it doesn’t do anything new, though it certainly does certain things better. 
    And I wasn’t really paying attention, but it seemed like you guys where under the impressing that wireless syncing had to be automatic. I could be totally wrong, but that seems weird. I don’t want automatic syncing of any kind. What I would like is the ability to A) put it into a “syncing mode” that would occasionally check for things to sync or B) the ability to press a button to sync when I see fit.
      The thing about the 3DS depending on 3D, is that yes, its a bit more powerful, but it STILL doesn’t look great. Even for a handheld. All 3D games need significant development time dedicated to 3D optimization, all 3D games will look worse than 2D games, the price will be significantly higher because of the need of a specialized screen…. The fact is that if 3D doesn’t sell the 3DS, it’s going to be a struggling market until they get that price down. 
    And I have to say, paying more for a handheld device than what I payed for my 360 is kind of disheartening. Yes, the PSP launched at that price, but that was the first generation of product from Sony, who has shown a disability to competitively price gaming platforms. And again, it was the first generation. In the next generation, they should be working to price more competitively. Why pay $250 for a 3DS rather than a phone that could easily play those games, albeit in 2D, or a home console which can play proper games? I am not saying that the price isn’t realistic, just that it’s sort of the same thing the PS3 did. It launched with Bluray a generation too early, before the manufacturing costs were nailed down, before the medium had won out the market, etc etc etc. This is EXACTLY the same thing, now that I think about it… lol.

  16. Watching the Apps of the Week video reminded me: I’m geeking out on the science talk. Love it, make it a regular thing please!

  17.   I agree that the iPad’s screen size makes a big difference. But it still isn’t a totally unique, new thing. It’s just another way of experiencing similar things. The OS, the part that Apple created, is pretty much as non-unique as a new product line can be. They just created a slate for other people to shape. Sure, there are plenty of Apps that work better or different on the iPad, but you can probably get a comparable experience on another iOS device. I don’t think the added size isn’t worth the price, or that its a product without a purpose, simply that it isn’t an invention of a whole new market as Garry seems to think it did. If there were more core changes to the iPad, I could understand it. But my time with an iPad (which to be clear is very limited), I got “hey, it’s a big iPod Touch. Neat.” In order for it to be a whole new thing, that kind of comparison shouldn’t be that easy to make, and it certainly shouldn’t be the first impression.

  18.  I probably should have mentioned that I was being pretty nitpicky. Economics of games is a scary topic XD.  
    I just wouldn’t be surprised to see a world where the Nintendo handheld is the enthusiast toy (with a much smaller base, but more stable and predictable base of consumers) and phones is the more mainstream game platform (with a much much larger base, but less stable and more prone to fads so less predictable) and both simply co-existing with each other. (I have no idea what the PSP2 is doing, last rumors I heard it was trying to aim for the phone market? That seems like a bad plan)
    I’ll concede the $250 price point though. I guess it never seemed too weird to me since I have a good confidence in Nintendo handhelds (haven’t let me down yet), but to someone who doesn’t have the same confidence/experience it would be a little high. 
    Either way I don’t see why someone would get angry over your game talk. Sure you occasionally get small facts in news stuff wrong, but your not a game news website so what evs. Your opinions are actually interesting on games because you come from a perspective that a lot of game enthusiast websites don’t. (A slightly more casual perspective, which is interesting to hear).

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