Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 68 – Dueling Conferences – 6/2/2011

On this week’s episode, Norm reveals a social blind spot, Gary wears a boring shirt, and Will loses his cool. All that, plus the latest talk from D9, Computex, the Tabfone, grilled cheese sandwiches, Google’s social failings, WWDC keynote speculation, and another edition of fake outtakes, on this week’s This is Only a Test.

Comments (41)

41 thoughts on “Episode 68 – Dueling Conferences – 6/2/2011

  1. “On this week’s episode, Norm reveals a social blind spot, Gary wears a boring shirt, and Will loses his cool.”
    Isn’t this like every episode?

  2. Just a note for those who were wondering: this was recorded on Wednesday and they don’t discuss Windows 8 on the episode.
  3. FYI: 
    I meant no offence when I said you play the part of the non-expert.  I used the words ‘Plays the part of the non-expert’ rather than ‘Gary is the non-expert’.

  4. Also, the Gang of 4 were the 4 people who would potentially replace Chairman Mao after his death.

  5. Gang of Four, at least how I’ve heard of it, were Mao Zedong’s 4 loyalist followers who held power towards the end of the Cultural Revolution and briefly after his death until Deng Xiaopeng won the internal power struggle.

  6. Loved the show. Did you guys record this before the Windows 8 preview at D9? Was hoping to get your take on it. Is it just a UI interface, or are there some real changes that make the OS less taxing on hardware/system resources, and therefore more snappy.

  7. Loved the show. Did you guys record this before the Windows 8 preview at D9? Was hoping to get your take on it. Is it just a UI interface, or are there some real changes that make the OS less taxing on hardware/system resources, and therefore more snappy.

    Yeah they recorded it early. It’s going to have to be in the high-yield podcast next week with e3, and all the other craziness that’s happening.

  8. As the Microsoft Windows President pointed out at D9 yesterday, nothing named “Gang of Four” ends well =P 

  9. It is Addy-das, not A-dee-dis. 
    Comes from the German who founded it Adolf “Adi” Dassler.  Adi Dassler.  As the shortened form of Adolf is pronounced “Addy” rather than “Adee” I think that clears it up.   They used to use footage of the sprinter Dessler over here for TV ads, which is how I imagine Brits knew how to pronounce it.
    His family had a real weakness for bad company names.  His brother Rudolf Dassler founded Puma – originally called Ruda (Rudolf Dassler) but that was too close to an obscene word.  Not sure if Puma made it to the US but they were a huge trainer (sneaker) manufacturer in the 80’s.  It is what your parents bought you for Christmas as a treat if they could not afford Reeboks or Nike.

  10. It is Addy-das, not A-dee-dis.

    Comes from the German who founded it Adolf “Adi” Dassler. Adi Dassler. As the shortened form of Adolf is pronounced “Addy” rather than “Adee” I think that clears it up. They used to use footage of the sprinter Dessler over here for TV ads, which is how I imagine Brits knew how to pronounce it.

    It’s tough to call between “right” and “wrong” ways to pronounce things when you’re dealing with different accent pronouncing foreign words. The accepted USA way (as in what the company uses for American commercials and official promotion materials) is Ah-DEE-Dis – see the beginnig of these two vids.

    Even Noel Gallagher pronounces it this way in this series of spots:

    i’m very interested in accents and regional pronunciations, if you can’t tell :/

  11. I follow Will Smith as he posts about industry things which interest me. I no longer follow Norm or Garry cause they post more personal info. which doesn’t interest me personally. I enjoyed Garry’s dig at Americana, customise with an S!

  12. You guys have been talking about see Transformers 3 for a while, why are you doing this to yourself?

  13. Ethanol/alcohol fuels bother me from an environmental standpoint though cause you’re still burning shit, which isn’t ideal, it’s not very efficient (at least at this point in time/for the forseeable future) and then the shit that you convert to ethanol will both drive up food prices and increase the amount of land needed to grow crops due to fuel demand. Supply wise I agree it would solve fuel prices things but as an environmental alternative competitor to electric/hybrid cars I don’t think it works well.

  14. Honestly, the best solution seems to be it going away. 

    Please Will. Just add the music in post. Cmon. Talk to Ryan Davis.

    That would certainly make the show a bit neater and more streamlined, but it would also take longer for the podcast to get posted.  And I genuinely cracked up at that part, so I don’t mind.  

  15. Nice to see an Ian “King Monkey” Brown clip in an unexpected place.  Noel Gallagher of course has a younger brother who made a successful career out of pretending to be Ian Brown.  
    The pronunciation topic is more interesting to me than it should be. I have no idea why.  I guess its just because I like the retort to being corrected by somebody when you just say: 
      “It’s pronounced (insert preferred method) in (insert home town)”   
     Aluminium/Aluminum is different though.  I regurgitating a story I heard on a science podcast a while back, but in the early part of the 20th century  numerous international organisations agreed that they wanted “ium” as a common suffix for metallic elements, hence there being so many “iums” in the periodic table. Obviously a lot of metals already had names in common use and were difficult to change. Gold, Silver & Copper being some obvious examples, but Aluminum was another. Its an old spelling of the word that just never got changed in America, probably because it was so much a part of everyday language already. 

  16. Why would you switch to a live format? It is weird  when you turn up and down the volume over and over again to get it right on both the music and the questions….

  17. 1.

    Glad to hear some space shuttle talk on this episode! I have at points considered sending in an audio question about current spaceflight tech and the ISS, but it’s already been kinda discussed on the podcast a few times. I think it makes for a great fake outtakes topic and you guys should go back to it. Might happen naturally with the final shuttle launch in July, anyways.

    Also, here’s a link to a recent NPR story on the shuttle crawler crew. Fascinating stuff indeed.


    I initially thought Norm’s pot story was weirdly out of character. Then i realized that i don’t actually know him well enough to be thinking that.

  18. I initially thought Norm’s pot story was weirdly out of character. Then i realized that i don’t actually know him well enough to be thinking that.

    Pretty much the exact same train of thought I had.



    I initially thought Norm’s pot story was weirdly out of character. Then i realized that i don’t actually know him well enough to be thinking that.

    Yeah I actually had to rewind when I heard the “flavor enhancer” comment.  Then I realized that a huge chunk of what these guys do revolves around eating and playing video games 🙂 
    Dude… Can you buy stock in Churros and donuts?

  20. Any since I just saw the mail video, I feel this cheesy pic I threw together is in order… 

  21. People actually don’t really buy nokia phones in europe. Well, some do, but it’s really mostly old people who would never buy a smart phone. People who want easily access texts and phone. These people will not buy a windows phone 7 phone. I’m guessing most of these people will buy a Sony Ericsson phone from now on. Unless they also start doing android on all their devices. I don’t think nokia is going to be a company in 5 years. Totally boned themselves with the Symbian thing. Their phones (and sony ericsson’s phones) have been 8 month phones for the last 4-5 years. They always crap out within the first year of use.

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