Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 69 – The Perfect Podcast Storm – 6/9/2011

This week, Gary plays golf with Wil Wheaton, Norm expresses his love for the Wii U, and Will declares himself ruler of all he surveys. Plus, the latest on Windows 8, the Sony Vita, the state of the 3DS, iOS 5, OS X Lion, iCloud, the new Xbox interface, and another edition of fake outtakes on this week’s extra-long episode of This is Only a Test.

Comments (54)

54 thoughts on “Episode 69 – The Perfect Podcast Storm – 6/9/2011

  1. There have been an ungodly amount of podcast hours put out this week by Whiskey Media.

    Better get cracking.

  2. Damn, I still have an hour left of Will on the 4 1/2 hour Bombcast, but I’m anxious to listen to this mammoth Tested Podcast. Not enough time in the day.

  3. took me 30+ minutes to download to my phone over 3G. Gonna have to break this one up over the next few days but maybe my Tested appetite will be satisfied for the week.

  4. I love how I complain to people about not liking long movies but I get absolutely giddy over long podcasts. I usually listen to these in one day but man this one is going to take some sessions. Downloading now.

  5. I think the main reason that OSX has better packed in apps is the fact that MSFT would have to worry about antitrust suits if they packed in the stuff Apple does. Apple doesn’t really have to worry about those issues, I’ve never heard of them getting dragged into court over antitrust issues for packing in shit like Safari, while MSFT has had that experience with IE. Granted, there was certainly some truth to the allegations regarding IE in MSFT’s case.

  6. Great discussion on the influence of carbs on the diet. I’ve been trying to find healthy ways to incorporate more protein in my diet as well. Cheese and nuts are what I am doing temporarily, but portion control is risky with those types of food. You can easily eat too many nuts or too much cheese.

  7. iMessage and BBM are doomed to fail.

    Cross-platformers like Whatsapp or LiveProfile (or even BBM when/if it goes crossplatform) will definitely win this battle.

  8.  iMessage seems interesting. Messaging is going that way across the board though, isnt it? There are people I used to text all the time who I now tweet instead, and I guess there are plenty of people who use Facebook for messaging too. The rise of the smartphone is giving people alternatives they prefer. 
    Every time I make a comment in this thread it seems to be about the little differences between the UK and the US.  I am surprised to hear that SMS is a rip off over there. What are the typical prices over there then?   Operators are virtually giving SMS away on this side of the pond. Text messages have been insanely popular here since mobile/cell phones exploded in the late 1990s and we are now at a point where people on £10 and £15 per month plans are getting 2000+ text messages thrown in with their deals.  

  9. Mighty mouse was good in it’s day… 2007 but the scroll ball clogs up with figure grime too easily. The magic mouse is (at the risk of sounding like an AppBoy) one of the best desktop mice ever created.

  10. Loved the fake outtakes in this one. I’ve had some weight loosing adventures in the past (I need to get back on that thought) and it’s pretty simple, burn more calories that you eat and stay away from sugar and carbs in general. Works wonders. I used to be clinically obese  and now I have pretty much the same body type Will has.
    Also, I’ve used the mighty mouse a lot at my past job and I hated it. I also hated the magic mouse but maybe that’s because I’m a palm grip kind of guy.

  11. Every window I use is maximized. Drives me crazy if it’s not.

    Drives me crazy if a window is ever maximized. The only exception is a web browser on a small laptop screen. (<13")

    Also, while I enjoyed the ease of horizontal scrolling with the Mighty Mouse, everything else about it was frustrating. Can’t count how many times I’ve tried using an old one that had the little ball jammed full of gunk and just couldn’t get anything done.

  12. I think you guys are a bit exhausted and grumpy this week, thank god for Gary’s AppBoy enthusiasm as this Apple news is huge! All the updates are going to breath more life into all my devices.

  13. the magic mouse is too flat, i have bigger hands and its just not comfortable. I prefer the design to say the arc touch.

  14. If it isn’t Windows 8 (which is probably will be, they pushed the 7 naming to phones), it will be Windows Metro.

  15. Great podcast and good use of time on very interesting topics.

    A good App that I use for weight loss and maintain is “Lose It!”. Free and well done.

  16. Sorry After many, many hours of Mighty Mouse use in digital media classes, I have to proclaim it one of the worst products I’ve ever laid a hand on. The left and right click are just godawful.

  17. I don’t know that Garry really understands the pricing with Lion vs W8. First of all, if you require the next most recent version of the OS, that means you have to go through the hassle of needing that OS, or buy an entire new PC, which is fuckin’ criminal. I can’t believe this wasn’t addressed, when I heard “you need to buy it on the marketplace, or buy a new computer. And I think Will TOTALLY made a good about the OS increments all adding up to more than $30 Apple charges you for updates to their OS, and that should ABSOLUTELY be counted to the full price of the OS.

    Forgive me if I heard wrong.

  18. I maximize everything. I’ve always maximized everything, it just seems like the natural thing to do. Even when I got a 24″ monitor, I still maximize my web browser. The extra space on the sides doesn’t bother me, I guess!

  19. I swear I was losing my goddamn mind over the 3DS/Vita talk. Console experiences on small screens not being ideal and all that, whatever, that’s fine. But then to turn around and be oh, Mario Kart, new Mario, and Animal Crossing all look awesome? What is it about those games that differentiates them so much that playing them on a handheld is suddenly fine, compared to an Uncharted or ModNation Racers?

  20. Ah, in that case my mistake and I apologize if I came off a little abrasive. Some of my favourite gaming experiences have been on handhelds (Link’s Awakening always comes to mind), and it always pains me to hear people say that the market is being slowly eroded away by Apple.

  21. Did pronounce “decal” as “d’cal”? That sounds Klingon.

    Fear the great D’KHAALL Empire!

  22. So I’m chilling at work listening to the podcast when you guys break into discussion about diets and biochemistry.  It turns out that I work in a chemical biology lab, and am pretty impressed by Will’s recall of his undergraduate degree.  Ok, so maybe the exact number of amino acids or how much we know about protein folding was a little off, but overall, nice job.  If only my students remembered as much the following semester.  :-.  Also, I’ve given meetings before and cited “magic” as the probable cause for a reaction working in front of my boss before, so I’m pretty sure that it’s a scientifically acceptable answer for certain things, especially in biology.

    Anyway, love the podcast, and I just bought an iPad 2 after being strongly influenced by both Will’s review and its shininess.  I know it’s the “wrong” time to buy, but hopefully Norm won’t hate me too much for it.  :D.

  23. i dont get how u guys talked about the WiiU for so long then spent about 2mins on the Vita. All u talked about on the Vita was how u wasnt interested in the system and no1 wants to play console games on a handheld, well if ur not interested in it thats fine but ur a tech site not a personal opinion site. So i think u should of talked more about what a beast of a machine this is (for me im kind of getting bored of iOS games and want real games to play on the road). Also u repeated a few times we r not going to talk about the games part of E3 but u did for the 3DS and 360 and just said Sony had alot of software (seems to me no1 like the PS3/Vita). Also 1 more thing u said how much more software the 3DS has over the Vita, do u rememeber last years E3 when most of the 3DS games where just interactive tech demos, the Vita had real playable games. Next E3 will be like this years 3DS line up for Vita, and r u excited for yet another Mario, Mario Kart, Fox ect ect. Oh and the 360 is meant to be selling like hot cakes but the PS3 is actually selling more then the 360/Wii/DS worldwide this year but we dont hear any stories on that do we. PS3-4.4M, 360-3.7M, Wii-3.7, DS-4M, 3DS-2.9, PSP-2.8

    I completly agree on this, except for the grammar, especially where they say they dont talk games to 30 minutes later be talking about wiiu and 3ds games like they are a gaming site. Besides that great podcast though, and one more little request could you please do some more guest appearences on the podcast they sort of tend to brake the garry and will plus a little of Norm podcast way in a great way.

  24. Am I the only one who doesn’t get the maximize browser discussion? Sure websites aren’t as wide as my widescreen monitor but do I really want all the clutter of Tweetdeck, Skype and other programs off to the side? Alt-tabbing to Skype when I get a message is fine. I like to focus on the task I’m doing at the moment, whether that is editing a photo in Adobe Lightroom or watching a Youtube video.   

    I don’t get the love for the new Exposé either but I guess that stuff just isn’t for me since I only use a handful of programs regularly (and have never owned a Mac).

  25. I agree with Norm, the mighty mouse is fine, even the wireless one. Set tracking to max speed and it’s perfectly serviceable, scroll ball included.

  26. I liked the nub. A normal mousewheel is useless for horizontal scrolling, and a lot of productivity apps have lots of horizontal scrolling. Any app with a timeline, like Logic, Final Cut, Flash and so forth have lots of horizontal scrolling. At the time of the nub it was pretty much the only mouse with good side scrolling action. I have the magic mouse as well, but recently swapped it for the trackpad, And I will not be going back to the magic mouse any time soon. Save a lot of space with the pad, and it’s just fricken nice.

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