Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 72 – Meet Geraldine – 6/30/2011

On this week’s episode, Norm builds a Makerbot Thing-o-Matic, Will checks in with the arborist, Gary shares a pro-tip and Ana is impressed by Google+. All that, plus the full scoop on the MySpace sale, the launch of Google+, the early HP TouchPad reviews, the upcoming Roku boxes, and a whole lot more on this action packed edition of This is Only a Test. Also, fake outtakes.

Comments (36)

36 thoughts on “Episode 72 – Meet Geraldine – 6/30/2011

  1. A WANG almost excuses Norm & co. from losing me imaginary internet dollars over pac-man. Almost.

  2. I still dont’t see it, I am using my iPad to search and see up to last weeks show even with a refresh. Hmm maybe I should go try from my PC.

  3. So much for the iPad being “Post PC” I could only see this weeks podcast in iTunes from my PC only.

  4. Just installed F.lux. I noticed one major flaw that kinda ruins the effect for me. The color of the white cursor does not change ,so as my eyes follow the pointer across the screen, the contrast between the the bright white arrow and the soft white webpage/background is unbearably noticeable. I don’t think i would continue using it. (you were right about the incredibly fast set-up, though)

  5. We need a snapshot of the podcast crew, just so we can really understand the deep meanings of the T-Shirt 

  6. Gary, I love you, honestly one of Whiskey Media’s best personalities.

    You are so wrong about world war 2! I don’t agree with the average American down playing the might of the UK in WW2, but we were helping you extend your war effort before Pearl Harbor, prior to that we were hampered by the Neutrality Acts of 1930. Pearl Harbor was just a great excuse to convince the American people this was their war to fight as well.


    My wife is from New Zealand and she will stab a motherfucker for bad mouthing grass fed beef, hah.

  7. This only a Test never has that many comments, so I decided to drop in and say this probably my favorite Whiskey Media podcast.

  8. Drawing together Turntable.fm and the “That’s Racist!” meme, what does AstroMaus make of the rising Children’s BBC superstar, Rasta Mouse?  Does he think such thinly veiled drug references are wasted on four year old kids?  
    Oh, and I had this in my brain for the entire second half of fake out takes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7Si2H479Es  
    Bought a tear to my eye. *sniffs* 

  9. Best quote of the show was: “you can learn shit listening to this podcast” from Gary. What amazing timing, right as Kurzweil’s    The Singularity Is Near came in the mail, which I ordered after hearing last weeks discussion on erogenous, bio luminescent clouds in the singularity. Seriously though,  I have lost count of all the new concepts and theories which I have learned just from this podcast alone, not to mention all the books I have bought based on recommendations. Damn right you can learn shit from this podcast.

  10. nothing I said contradicts any of that, in fact I did give credit to the Polish for the first Enigma machines.

    When I see comments like this before even listening to the show, I know i’m in for a treat.

  11. Enjoyed the WWII talk. Sometimes i kinda forget that Gary does in fact write for a living, but the way he laid out that segment was a strong reminder. Just fascinating.

    In unrelated news, word on the street is that the folks over at wangcast.com almost picked “if you know anybody who grinds stumps in San Francisco, shoot me an email” as this week’s quote, but ultimately decided that it was a bad idea, even for a site that is little more than a dick joke.

  12. Gary I know you won’t read this but that WWII story was really interesting and I bought a book on Amazon right after you ended up talking on the whole dive bombing raid. Thanks guys for reading my political book question, but yeah that’s exactly what I was looking for. Great stuff.

  13. so facebook does actually have the option to filter your posts from everyone, friends of friends, friends and a couple other options

  14. damn it none of my friends are hip enough to get an invite to turntable.fm (to be fair I only have 6 friends on facebook and Havent’ used it for a year now ) 😀

    Any other way I can get an invite?

    , if I can’t get an invite I forbid you from ever mentioning that thing again 😛

  15. Great to hear Ana on the podcast again.

    Plus loved the World War 2 argument. Good on Gary for fighting for the Brits.

  16. Great podcast. Just one thing although no one will noticed this. About WW2 about that Britain and America thing… WW2 was pretty much won in Russia.


  17. Gary, Gary, Gary… after WWI, President Wilson tried his best to prevent Britain and France from imposing ruinous conditions on Germany. He knew perfectly well that humiliating them and crippling their economy by forcing exorbitant reparations payments was likely to lead to trouble down the road. He was essentially ignored.

    So, 20 years later, we’re supposed to merrily hop right in to another European disaster? I don’t think so. We got involved when we had to. No sooner, no later. Frankly, Britain is just lucky that the wildly Anglophile President Roosevelt spent the early years of the war cajoling Congress to release lend-lease money.

  18. I can’t seem to understand the name of the tool that “warms up” the monitor based on the time of the day. 
    EDIT: got it at the end when gary spelled. 

  19. I think Will is hellawrong when it comes to browser being the future. Just look at tiny crappy games today, even facebook crappy games are becoming somewhat advanced. 5 years in the future, if browsers are going to be used for everything from games to social and everything in between, they’ll be so fucking bloated it’s gonna be unusable. People like apps. Custom interfaces and all that goodness. If the browser based OS is the wave of the future, then I’m done computing. Consoles stole games from pc giving us crappier controls and graphics. If “good enough” is the future, then.. fuck it.

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