Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 75 – Beards of Chisago County – 7/21/2011

On this week’s episode, Matt espouses the benefits of robotic arms, Will expresses his deep and abiding love of Mission Control, and a special guest talks smack about going all natural. All that, plus the latest on OS X Lion, the new MacBook Air, the benefits of docking stations, and another episode of fake outtakes.

Comments (39)

39 thoughts on “Episode 75 – Beards of Chisago County – 7/21/2011

  1. Addfwyn just replied to your comment:

    I think you’re looking at things from the wrong perspective.  You’re looking at things from the tech-spec/number crunching perspective, which just isn’t what the device is about.  The same was true for the iPod, it wasn’t the most technologically advanced MP3 player on the market when it released, but it was the best one.  It’s because of the software underlying everything more than just the tech specs behind the hardware. 
    The iPad is going to be the same way, it’ll live or die by the apps, as it exists as a unique platform for applications.   It’s about the software experience more than it is about having a CPU of X speed or a GPU with X amount of RAM.  it’s something that always causes this weird divide in the community when apple releases new products.  A new product is announced, and the critics look at it kinda funny and be like “but…those specs aren’t that great”.  Then the same critics USE the product, and fall in love with it.  It’s all about the usability and existing as a platform for apps.
    Also the iPhone wasn’t the first smartphone, but it most certainly changed the smartphone market, even if you don’t use an iPhone yourself.  Same idea with the iPad, there have been tablet PCs in the past, but they really have attempted to emulate a PC experience more than exist as independent software platforms, which is where the iPad is different I feel. 

    To view this thread, follow the link below:
    The Official iPad Discussion Thread

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  2. This day has been really depressing due to some things that happened to me but seeing a new This is only a Test brought a smile to my face. Can’t wait to listen to all the Apple talk and fake outtakes.

  3. SPOILERS!!!!!!111!!!

    But yeah Matt Braga, Will and Brad, unconventional Tested podcast = AWESOME

  4. first motherfuckers

    Why bro?

    Don’t bring that here.

    afaik snow leopard came out right before win 7 in 2009

  5. Non-Apple talk starts 1:06:30

    There’s been a lot of apple talk of late, Imagine if it was held to same standard as a linux launch, ONE article.
    Also mission control is in Gnome 3.

  6. Love Brad on the podcast, but besides that, midway through… I Can’t Stand *IT* !! 
    Don’t get me wrong, TIOAT is still my fav podcast

  7. It’s funny, I thought it was one of the best we’ve done in ages. On-topic, informative, and entertaining. And the entire first hour is pretty much a tangent. Give the people what they want, that’s what I always say.

    HMM I wonder why the two people who weren’t on the cast incidentally think it’s the worst one…

  8. Heard that deep sultry voice and it immediately caught me off guard. It was a nice change and fun to have a different guest along with Matt when the usual guys weren’t on. I’d like to see it happen again sometime!

    I’d also support Matt getting technical more. Hearing that sweet Canadian accent talking about bokeh and apertures… more please.

  9. I think it’s dumb they got rid of the MacBook. 
    So now the entry level laptop has 2Gb of ram which is already ancient, 64Gb of storage and no optical drive. Awesome… not a problem for us Dropbox and other cloud service users sure but believe it or not there’s still a large percentage of people using them optical drives and storing a lot of crap on their hard drives.
    It had a place in the product line, it should have got a refresh. It was a mistake killing it off, I believe they still sold pretty damn well.

  10. I really enjoyed the BMW podcast this week. Yes of course I still enjoy the W(A)NG podcast setup. The main reason is being able to hear Matt speak. I like Brad as well but I want to focus on Matt for this comment. With such other powerful personalities Matt has been washed out in the past. This podcast he finally had the opportunity to shine. I hope to see (video) and hear more of Matt in the future as I am not sure of your plans.

  11. Non-Apple talk starts 1:06:30

    There’s been a lot of apple talk of late, Imagine if it was held to same standard as a linux launch, ONE article. Also mission control is in Gnome 3.

    Yea as a Linux fan/user the overall “blowing off” of Linux in general around here makes me a sad panda. Also Gnome 3 is great been using it for like a month now.

    While I understand that this isn’t a Linux website, I do think covering some GUI of the popular distros, I used Gnome 3 in Ubuntu and knew this would be the future, it’s clever, it doesn’t get in the way and it uses the screen better than Windows.

  12. Awesome podcast guys.

    And yes, the Chineese did send a man into orbit a couple of years ago. When he returned from the trip he had to admit that he couldn’t see the Great Wall from up there…whoops! There goes all the propaganda!

  13. The fake outtakes compelled me me to read the wikipedia entries on the Challenger and Columbia disasters – not the most uplifting read, that’s for sure. 
    As fascinating as space travel might be, I understand people questioning the money/purpose/risk ratio. When you think about it, space exploration just for the heck of it seems rather pointless. What is the ultimate goal of NASA anyway? Making inventions like Teflon? Reaching Mars? Stumbling upon Aliens? Colonization? Tourism? +3 to Science?

  14. I just remembered something. During this podcast’s router discussions, Will was talking about using an ethernet cable to extend the wifi coverage bubble with a second router. 
    People should also be aware that you can use a second router to work exactly like a wireless card or usb adaptor, receiving signal from your main router over WAN and translating that into a wired ethernet connection for your remote Xbox, blu-ray player or what have you. This way you don’t have an ethernet cable strung all the way across your house, and it’s cheaper than buying a specified adapter for your device. It may also do the wifi bubble thing, I haven’t checked. 

  15. While I understand that this isn’t a Linux website, I do think covering some GUI of the popular distros, I used Gnome 3 in Ubuntu and knew this would be the future, it’s clever, it doesn’t get in the way and it uses the screen better than Windows.

    How is the performance? I was thinking about giving it a shot on my measly netbook which is currently running Lucid Lynx. I mostly use Thunderbird, Chromium, Abiword, Skype, Pidgin and Audacious on that thing.

  16. Did you use it on a laptop? On a desktop, it makes about as much sense as “full screen” apps in OS X Lion. None.

    I used it for two days at work and went back to KDE 4.

  17. Yeah Brad! Get him on more often as the resident PC game expert. At the risk of sounding like an Appboy, everthing about OSX Lion is excellent, I’m even back using Safari although it does need some UI refinements. I think Magic mouse is essential to the desktop experience though!

  18. My first thought when Will said to skip ahead 25-30 minutes if you didn’t want to hear Apple talk was “Really? More like an hour, I’ll wager.” I know this podcast too well. >:)

  19. This guy made an account just because Will said something provocative about King Crimson. Will should try hating on Rush next week, and see how many people sign up.

    Oh, and thanks for the shuttle talk. I was hoping you would do it. That was good stuff.

  20. The natural scrolling is totally accurate. On a touch screen, I ASSUMED that was how it would work, and in REALITY you move things in that way. It’s really stupid that it does it that way with wheel scrolling though. It should ONLY be touch based.

  21. A lot of Apple talk. Doesn’t bother me, though, since I’m quite interested in Apple and what they’re doing with UI. And I guess it was one of the major things this week. 
    I’d be quite interested in the Tested crew discussing the latest accusations made against Google for closing accounts without proper notice or justification. When companies are trying their hardest to get us into “the cloud” and into their closed ecosystems, there’s got to be some sort of standard they are held to with our personal information – information that is often central to our daily business and personal lives.

  22. A few years ago when I worked for SPHE we had a strategy meeting where the execs unveiled their plan to create a task force with other studios to approach the emergence of digital media. I remember specifically that these online media lockers was a central concept for their plans. Kinda cool to see that they’ve been following up on that stuff.

  23. your i7 930 does have turbo boost from 2.8 GHz up to 3.06 -> http://ark.intel.com/products/41447

    And about that overclocking , pretty much all i7 9xx’s can reach 4 GHz. as long as they are from the later of the two revisions C0 and D0 luckily for you the i7 930 came out late enough that it is only available as the latter

    just crank that BCLK up and adjust the voltage until its stable basically. and get a sweet heat sink of course , one Ive used in many builds is the Noctua NH D14 , its a giant , pretty quiet though , and definitely gets the job done.

    the socket 1156 cpu’s are pretty much the same.

    the 1155 sandy bridge “K” models are even easier as you only have to change the turbo multiplier ,

    which means your cpu will run cool and stock when you dont need the extra juice, and then switch up to your modified turbo when it needs it. the older 1366 and 1156’s have similar throttling features , but not quite this sophisticated.

    the 2500K & 2600K usually land around 4.7-5.0 GHz for 24/7 clocks.

  24. What was the model number router that mentioned he just picked up?  I really don’t want to listen to the whole podcast again trying to find that part.

  25. I wonder if had an uncontrollable urge not to pay attention to anything at Comicon and play with his iPad at the time of the recording

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