Podcast - This Is Only a Test

Episode 491 – Bring Back Virtual Boy – 3/14/19

Everyone’s back this week as we share our hopes and fears for Nintendo’s Labo VR kit, discuss Apple’s streaming video ambitions, and celebrate the 30th birthday of the world wide web. Plus, stick to the end as we review Captain Marvel!

Comments (11)

11 thoughts on “Episode 491 – Bring Back Virtual Boy – 3/14/19

  1. For watching DS9, I recommend starting with the last episode of season 2. The intro of the Dominion was a game changer for that show.

  2. Yeah, no. I don’t back into spaces. Backing in between cars stresses me out. I instead am very cautious when leaving and also assume slight situational awareness of any pedestrians.

  3. Jeremy, from one person who always backs into parking spaces to another 🙂
    I’m sure you would love DS9 if you’d have the time to watch more and really get into it. There are quite a few filler episodes, sure, but overall the stories told (also the loong story arc!) and many of the characters are among my favourites in Star Trek. It surely is my favourite of the ST series.

    Although, I have to say I also have the feeling that it depends quite a bit on how you get introduced to a series. For me, I watched DS9 on TV first and really liked it. TNG I also watched on TV but not as much so I wasn’t as fascsinated by it. I rewatched pretty much all of the episodes of both series later and although I really like TNG (how can you not?) I still like DS9 a bit better. And I’m fully aware that there might be some form of nostagia going on, maybe in terms of having “discovered” DS9 for myself earlier.. not sure..

    Also, I totally get why some find it stressful to back into spaces and I would guess that this is the main reason behind preferring to go in front first. From a stand-point of purely getting a car into or out of a space rear first, the latter surely is the easier.

  4. I watched the entirety of DS9 but never really got into it. Voyager was the same. There were some really good episodes but (like all trek) some real stinkers. Basically anything involving Bashir was dubious at best. Those eps where he tried to audition to be the next James Bond were painful…

    The best thing about DS9 was the Quark/Rom/Nog family unit. Nog had some of the best lines.

  5. Counterpoint: people who back into spaces should die in a fire. How is it better to unexpectedly stop in the middle of the street/parking lot and throw your car into reverse? Also consider that most of the people who back into spots aren’t qualified to do so and end up blocking traffic while they take three tries to get into the spot.

    Another advantage to parking the way God intended is that your car gives a signal to passers-by when you’re about to leave the spot so that they can respond accordingly.

  6. i’m with jeremy on the whole parking situation. it’s not only the most sensible solution, if you didn’t get this drilled during your driving lessons, you didn’t get your money’s worth. (regarding the point of ‘unexpectedly stopping’ – naturally, you signal before you hit the brakes, just as you would before you parallel-park)

    re DS9: i get how it can be harder to get into, compared to the forehead-of-the-week shows. but i find it to be the one trek show that holds up the best. TNG is the one that shows you the recruitment bureau version of the federation. but where the enterprise always is a couple of light years away by the time all the consequences of their encounters start hitting, DS9 is all about sticking around for seasons of maneuvering consequences, choosing between bad choices, and blurred lines of who’s a friend and who isn’t. it’s head and shoulders above TNG.

  7. This is hilarious, and I love you all. Especially vapspwi (parking the way God intended — lol).

    I will give DS9 another chance one day.

  8. I’ve literally never seen anybody signal before backing into a spot before.

    Regarding CM: I thought the cat as a cat was fine. Cat as tentacle monster was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in a Marvel movie. Cat-as-alien was one of the dumber things in the comics in recent years (which is an accomplishment, as they’ve been largely terrible since the Carol took on the CM moniker). I like the costume fine, but have despised the mohawk helmet since the first time it appeared in print. It’s not a good look.

  9. I back into spots some of the time, usually if it is a tight spot. Otherwise I’ll just drive into it to get out of traffic as fast as possible.

    I always back into my parking-garage spot at home, because it is stupidly tight, and I want to make it easy to get out :p

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