Adam Savage Meets the Spacesuits from First Man!

Spacesuit replica maker Ryan Nagata brings to the cave several of his spacesuits and spacesuit parts he made for the movie First Man! Adam and Ryan talk about his build of the X15 suit seen in the film, the technical accuracy achieved by the costume department, and what he learned from making pieces to be filmed for camera.

That One Actor’s Name – Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project – 10/16/18

From Hotel Artemis to Ant Man and the Wasp, we catch each other up with a bunch of films we’ve seen recently, in theaters, at home, and on planes. It’s a potpourri of quickfire movie reviews. Plus, our impressions of the Neil Armstrong biopic First Man! Way to bury the lede!

Offworld Episode 12: Alien Covenant

Could we engineer new life forms for space travel? Ariel is joined by chemical biologist Dr. Jun Axup and Dr. Lynn Rothschild of NASA to discuss the idea of genetic engineering as portrayed in the film Alien: Covenant. How does real-world gene editing technology like CRISPR relate to the ideas portrayed in science fiction?

Bits to Atoms: Starlords Arcade Cabinet, Part 1

This year’s California Extreme saw the debut of Starlords, a new arcade cabinet built over many months by our very own Bits to Atoms team! To embark on this journey, Jeremy and Sean enlisted the help of the software developers (and video game historians) at Other Ocean Interactive to code this game from scratch. Follow along this build from game design to cabinet fabrication–the most ambitious Bits to Atoms project yet!

XM Studios’ Samurai Batman Statue!

XM Studios’ take on the DC universe caught our eyes at this year’s New York Comic Con, and we check out their statues that put a samurai spin on Batman and rogues gallery. Here’s how this collectibles company was able to design figures that put a stylistic twist into the characters we know from the comics.

Sideshow Collectibles’ Aliens and Predators at New York Comic Con!

We’ve featured Sideshow Collectibles’ beautiful superhero statues before, and at New York Comic Con, we took a closer look at some of their creature work. Andy from Sideshow walks us through their new Alien and Predator sculpts, which were a collaboration with the original artists who built the creature suits for the films!