We’re always on the lookout for original creative designs, and the figures of Bryan Lie (aka IMCPLX) are striking not only for the character work, but the attention to detail in these sixth-scale figures’ clothing. We chat with Bryan about how he uses these figures to experiment with forward-thinking fashion designs.
BigShot Toyworks Engineers Some of Our Favorite Toys
Toys and collectibles don’t come out of nowhere. The engineering, design, and product development for some of our favorite figures comes from BigShot Toyworks, who work with companies like Sideshow and Mondo to turn sketches into prototypes. We chat with Klim of BigShot Toys to see how he’s taking that production experience to develop a new line of figures to stand out on collectors’ shelves.
Directing Pixar’s “Wind”, a SparkShorts Film!
We visit Pixar Animation Studios to chat with director Edwin Chang about the process of writing and directing the upcoming short film “Wind”. We learn about how Pixar’s SparkShorts program allows fresh directors to experiment with bold storytelling techniques and inventive workflows to make Pixar’s equivalent of an indie film. Wind will be released on Disney+ on December 13th!
How Machine Learning Enables DeepRacer’s Autonomous Driving
How does machine learning work and what are its applications? Mike Miller, General Manager of AWS AI Devices walks us through the story of DeepRacer, the autonomous RC car that utilizes Machine Learning and Reinforncement Learning to speedily navigate around a track. We’re at AWS reInvent this week to watch teams compete in the DeepRacer League Championship Cup! (This video is sponsored by Amazon Web Services.)
Adam Savage’s One Day Builds: Workshop Hardware Storage!
Adam revamps the hardware storage system for his workshop by building a new custom wall of storage bins! Nuts, bolts, and all manner of hardware now live in this new sorter system that rolls perfectly into its new home in the cave. Happy sorting! (Find the sorting bins Adam used here!)
Episode 528 – Cybertruck and Half-Life: Alyx – 12/5/19
Adam Savage’s Hellboy Spear Replica!
Adam shares one of his Hellboy props: a spear inspired by the Hellboy comics and art of Mike Mignola. Adam and fellow Hellboy fan Grim Tim made a very limited run of these spears–The Merman King’s from “The Third Wish”–one of the more esoteric objects in Adam’s cave!
Comfort Builds – Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project – 12/3/19
The cave is cold so Adam puts on his Deckard coat as we recount our Thanksgiving stories with guest Jen Schachter! We chat about some favorite things to do in San Francisco, recent shows we’re enjoying, and two thoroughly enjoyable builds that Adam commenced this past week!
Reina Koyano Transforms Sneakers into Pin-Up Art
We meet artist Reina Koyano, whose Sole Fatale pin-up art series transforms notable sneakers into characters of her own imagination. Reina explains her inspiration for Sole Fatale, how it’s grown in popularity in sneaker culture, and her collaborations with toy designers to turn her art into figurines.
The Mythical Art Figures of Manas+SUM!
We take a close look at the incredible sculpts and figures or Manas+SUM, a studio that works with artists in Asia to bring their creatures and interpretations of mythical characters to the collectible toy world. We’re struck not only by the quality of these pieces, but the range of different artist styles represented in their collection. It’s figure art that stands out at an event like DesignerCon!